#!/bin/sh # See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. . tests/preamble t=. # this is for test development; set to : to skip tests # have already been written and passed, set to . otherwise # t is used to synchronous tests, # p is used for asynchronous tests, and use t to determine whether to run # If you want to force all tests to run synchronous, uncomment the next line #alias p=t set -v t tests/enums . tests/load-types p tests/errors p tests/syscall-ranges p tests/syscall-errors p tests/signals p tests/split-register-classes p tests/signness p tests/endians p tests/sections await . tests/load-archinfo t tests/archinfo p tests/fundamental-primitives p tests/is-struct p tests/array-types p tests/fixed-array-types p tests/split-register-types p tests/os-dependent-primitives p tests/os-dependent-arrays p tests/os-dependent-integers await t tests/error-search t tests/signal-search # TODO test libsyscalls_get_struct_description # TODO test libsyscalls_get_struct_display_info # TODO test libsyscalls_get_syscall # TODO test libsyscalls_get_syscall_display_info