.TH LIBSIMPLE_WCSNDUP 3 libsimple .SH NAME libsimple_wcsndup \- duplicate a wide-character string .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include wchar_t *libsimple_wcsndupa(const wchar_t *\fIs\fP, size_t \fIn\fP); wchar_t *libsimple_wcsndup(const wchar_t *\fIs\fP, size_t \fIn\fP); wchar_t *libsimple_enwcsndup(int \fIstatus\fP, const wchar_t *\fIs\fP, size_t \fIn\fP); inline wchar_t *libsimple_ewcsndup(const wchar_t *\fIs\fP, size_t \fIn\fP); #ifndef wcsndupa # define wcsndupa libsimple_wcsndupa #endif #ifndef wcsndup # define wcsndup libsimple_wcsndup #endif #ifndef enwcsndup # define enwcsndup libsimple_enwcsndup #endif #ifndef ewcsndup # define ewcsndup libsimple_ewcsndup #endif .fi .PP Link with .IR \-lsimple . .SH DESCRIPTION The .BR libsimple_wcsndup () function allocates memory and copies the string .I s into the new allocation, however only up to the .I n first wide-characters; a NUL wide-character will always be written to the end of the new wide-character string. .PP The .BR libsimple_enwcsndup () and .BR libsimple_ewcsndup () functions are versions of the .BR libsimple_wcsndup () function that call the .BR libsimple_enprintf (3) function on failure, causing the process to print an error message and exit. See .BR libsimple_enprintf (3) for more information. .PP The .BR libsimple_wcsndupa () function is implemented as a macro and is a version of the .BR libsimple_wcsndup () function that uses allocates the memory on the stack rather than on the heap, causing the return pointer to become invalid when the calling function returns. It is only available when compling with GCC or Clang. .SH RETURN VALUE Upon successful completion, the .BR libsimple_wcsndupa (), .BR libsimple_wcsndup (), .BR libsimple_enwcsndup (), and .BR libsimple_ewcsndup () functions return a non-null pointer, on failure the .BR libsimple_wcsndup () function returns .B NULL and set .I errno to indicate the error, and the .BR libsimple_enwcsndup (), and .BR libsimple_ewcsndup () functions exit the process. The .BR libsimple_wcsndupa () function cannot fail, however the kernel can kill the thread, and possibly the process, with a .B SIGSEGV signal if the memory cannot be allocated. .PP The returned pointer should be deallocated when it is no longer needed, except for the pointer returned by the .BR libsimple_wcsndupa () function, it is automatically deallocated when the calling function returns. .SH ERRORS The .BR libsimple_wcsndup () function may fail for any reason specified for the .BR malloc (3) function. .SH ATTRIBUTES For an explanation of the terms used in this section, see .BR attributes (7). .TS allbox; lb lb lb l l l. Interface Attribute Value T{ .BR libsimple_wcsndupa (), .br .BR libsimple_wcsndup (), .br .BR libsimple_enwcsndup (), .br .BR libsimple_ewcsndup (), T} Thread safety MT-Safe T{ .BR libsimple_wcsndupa (), .br .BR libsimple_wcsndup (), .br .BR libsimple_enwcsndup (), .br .BR libsimple_ewcsndup (), T} Async-signal safety AS-Safe T{ .BR libsimple_wcsndupa (), .br .BR libsimple_wcsndup (), .br .BR libsimple_enwcsndup (), .br .BR libsimple_ewcsndup (), T} Async-cancel safety AC-Safe .TE .SH EXAMPLES None. .SH APPLICATION USAGE None. .SH RATIONALE None. .SH FUTURE DIRECTIONS None. .SH NOTES None. .SH HISTORY libsimple 1.2 .SH BUGS None. .SH SEE ALSO .BR libsimple_aligned_wcsndup (3), .BR libsimple_enstrndup (3), .BR libsimple_enstrdup (3), .BR libsimple_memdup (3), .BR libsimple_enwcsdup (3), .BR libsimple_wmemdup (3), .BR strndup (3), .BR strdup (3), .BR wcsdup (3)