.TH LIBSIMPLE_TIMESPECTOSTR 3 2018-10-30 libsimple .SH NAME libsimple_timespectostr, libsimple_timevaltostr \- convert a duration data structure to a string .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include char *libsimple_timespectostr(char *restrict \fIbuf\fP, const struct timespec *restrict \fIts\fP); char *libsimple_timevaltostr(char *restrict \fIbuf\fP, const struct timeval *restrict \fItv\fP); #ifndef timespectostr # define timespectostr libsimple_timespectostr #endif #ifndef timevaltostr # define timevaltostr libsimple_timevaltostr #endif .fi .PP Link with .IR \-lsimple . .SH DESCRIPTION The .BR libsimple_timespectostr () and .BR libsimple_timevaltostr () functions convert .I ts and .IR tv , respectively, to a textual represention contain only a real value of the number of seconds the input represents. .PP If .I buf is .BR NULL , a new pointer is allocated, otherwise .I buf is used as storage buffer for the string and is returned. Unless .I buf is .BR NULL , it should be at least .I INTSTRLEN(time_t)+12 bytes for the .BR libsimple_timespectostr () function, and less 3 bytes for the .BR libsimple_timevaltostr () function. .PP The returned string will always start with either a .B + or a .BR \- , and will always contain 9 (for the .BR libsimple_timespectostr () function) or 6 (for the .BR libsimple_timevaltostr () function) decimals. .SH RETURN VALUE The .BR libsimple_timespectostr () and .BR libsimple_timevaltostr () functions return the duration as a textual representation of the it as a real value of seconds, without any unit included in the text, upon successful completion. If .I buf is .BR NULL , the returned pointer is a deallocatable, unique, pointer, otherwise the pointer .I buf is returned. On failure, .B NULL is returned. .SH ERRORS The .BR libsimple_timespectostr () and .BR libsimple_timevaltostr () functions fail if: .TP .B ENOMEM .I buf is .B NULL and the call to .BR malloc (3) failed because it could not allocate enough memory. .TP .B EINVAL .I ts->tv_nsec is negative or greater than 999\ 999\ 999, or .I tv->tv_usec is negative or greater than 999\ 999. .SH ATTRIBUTES For an explanation of the terms used in this section, see .BR attributes (7). .TS allbox; lb lb lb l l l. Interface Attribute Value T{ .BR libsimple_timespectostr () .br .BR libsimple_timevaltostr () T} Thread safety MT-Safe T{ .BR libsimple_timespectostr () .br .BR libsimple_timevaltostr () T} Async-signal safety AS-Safe T{ .BR libsimple_timespectostr () .br .BR libsimple_timevaltostr () T} Async-cancel safety AC-Safe .TE .SH EXAMPLES None. .SH APPLICATION USAGE None. .SH RATIONALE None. .SH FUTURE DIRECTIONS None. .SH NOTES None. .SH BUGS None. .SH SEE ALSO .BR libsimple_minimise_number_string (3), .BR libsimple_sumtimespec (3), .BR libsimple_difftimespec (3), .BR libsimple_multimespec (3), .BR libsimple_cmptimespec (3), .BR libsimple_strtotimespec (3), .BR libsimple_timespectodouble (3), .BR libsimple_doubletotimespec (3), .BR libsimple_timeval2timespec (3)