.TH LIBSIMPLE_MEMREPLACE 3 libsimple .SH NAME libsimple_memreplace \- replace bytes in an array of bytes .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include static inline void *libsimple_memreplace(void *\fIs\fP, int \fIold\fP, int \fInew\fP, size_t \fIn\fP); #ifndef memreplace # define memreplace libsimple_memreplace #endif .fi .PP Link with .IR \-lsimple . .SH DESCRIPTION The .BR libsimple_memreplace () function replaces all instances of the byte .I old (it is converted to a .BR char ) in the byte array .IR s , with the size .IR n , with the byte .IR new . .PP The comparison is case-sensitive. .SH RETURN VALUE The .BR libsimple_memreplace () function returns .IR &s[n] . .SH ERRORS The .BR libsimple_memreplace () function cannot fail. .SH ATTRIBUTES For an explanation of the terms used in this section, see .BR attributes (7). .TS allbox; lb lb lb l l l. Interface Attribute Value T{ .BR libsimple_memreplace () T} Thread safety MT-Safe T{ .BR libsimple_memreplace () T} Async-signal safety AS-Safe T{ .BR libsimple_memreplace () T} Async-cancel safety AC-Safe .TE .SH EXAMPLES None. .SH APPLICATION USAGE None. .SH RATIONALE None. .SH FUTURE DIRECTIONS None. .SH NOTES None. .SH BUGS None. .SH SEE ALSO .BR libsimple_memtolower (3), .BR libsimple_memtoupper (3), .BR libsimple_strreplace (3), .BR libsimple_strnreplace (3), .BR libsimple_memreplaceelem (3)