.TH LIBSIMPLE_ENPOSIX_MEMALIGN 3 libsimple .SH NAME libsimple_enposix_memalign \- allocate memory with custom alignment or die .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include inline void libsimple_enposix_memalign(int \fIstatus\fP, void **\fImemptr\fP, size_t \fIalignment\fP, size_t \fIn\fP); inline void libsimple_eposix_memalign(void **\fImemptr\fP, size_t \fIalignment\fP, size_t \fIn\fP); #ifndef enposix_memalign # define enposix_memalign libsimple_enposix_memalign #endif #ifndef eposix_memalign # define eposix_memalign libsimple_eposix_memalign #endif .fi .PP Link with .IR \-lsimple . .SH DESCRIPTION The .BR libsimple_enposix_memalign () and .BR libsimple_eposix_memalign () functions allocate .I n uninitialised bytes to the heap and store a pointer with an alignment of .I alignment bytes to the allocated memory in .IR memptr . The function .BR free (3) shall be called with the pointer stored in .I memptr as input when the allocated memory is no longer needed. .I *memptr remains unmodified on failure. .PP The .BR libsimple_enposix_memalign () and .BR libsimple_eposix_memalign () functions will terminate the process if the memory cannot be allocated of if the user tries to allocate 0 bytes, by calling the .BR libsimple_enprintf () and .BR libsimple_eprintf () functions, respectively. On failure, the process's exit value will be .I status if the .BR libsimple_enposix_memalign () function is used or .IR libsimple_default_failure_exit (3) if the .BR libsimple_eposix_memalign () function is used. Failure include, .I alignment not being a power of two, or .I alignment not being a multiple of .IR "sizeof(void *)" . .PP The .BR libsimple_enposix_memalign () and .BR libsimple_eposix_memalign () functions behaviour is unspecified if .I n is 0. .SH RETURN VALUE The .BR libsimple_enposix_memalign () and .BR libsimple_eposix_memalign () functions do not return a value, but terminated the process on failure. .SH ERRORS The .BR libsimple_enposix_memalign () and .BR libsimple_eposix_memalign () functions will terminate the process on failure. .SH ATTRIBUTES For an explanation of the terms used in this section, see .BR attributes (7). .TS allbox; lb lb lb l l l. Interface Attribute Value T{ .BR libsimple_enposix_memalign (), .br .BR libsimple_eposix_memalign () T} Thread safety MT-Safe T{ .BR libsimple_enposix_memalign (), .br .BR libsimple_eposix_memalign () T} Async-signal safety AS-Safe T{ .BR libsimple_enposix_memalign (), .br .BR libsimple_eposix_memalign () T} Async-cancel safety AC-Safe .TE .SH EXAMPLES None. .SH APPLICATION USAGE None. .SH RATIONALE None. .SH FUTURE DIRECTIONS None. .SH NOTES None. .SH BUGS None. .SH SEE ALSO .BR libsimple_enmalloc (3), .BR libsimple_mallocz (3), .BR libsimple_vmallocn (3), .BR libsimple_vmalloczn (3), .BR libsimple_encalloc (3), .BR libsimple_vcallocn (3), .BR libsimple_enrealloc (3), .BR libsimple_reallocarray (3), .BR libsimple_vreallocn (3), .BR libsimple_reallocf (3), .BR libsimple_reallocarrayf (3), .BR libsimple_vreallocfn (3), .BR libsimple_aligned_realloc (3), .BR libsimple_aligned_reallocarray (3), .BR libsimple_aligned_vreallocn (3), .BR libsimple_aligned_reallocf (3), .BR libsimple_aligned_reallocarrayf (3), .BR libsimple_aligned_vreallocfn (3), .BR libsimple_memalign (3), .BR libsimple_memalignz (3), .BR libsimple_vmemalignn (3), .BR libsimple_vmemalignzn (3), .BR libsimple_posix_memalignz (3), .BR libsimple_vposix_memalignn (3), .BR libsimple_vposix_memalignzn (3), .BR libsimple_enaligned_alloc (3), .BR libsimple_aligned_allocz (3), .BR libsimple_valigned_allocn (3), .BR libsimple_valigned_alloczn (3), .BR libsimple_pvalloc (3), .BR libsimple_pvallocz (3), .BR libsimple_vpvallocn (3), .BR libsimple_vpvalloczn (3), .BR libsimple_valloc (3), .BR libsimple_vallocz (3), .BR libsimple_vvallocn (3), .BR libsimple_vvalloczn (3), .BR libsimple_vmemalloc (3), .BR libsimple_varrayalloc (3), .BR posix_memalign (3)