path: root/libsimple/vallocz.h
diff options
authorMattias Andrée <maandree@kth.se>2018-11-01 19:57:21 +0100
committerMattias Andrée <maandree@kth.se>2018-11-01 19:57:21 +0100
commit13e2ded64cfd0197f3eeb8427cee9a2e86425c65 (patch)
tree2bddfd3d0e1e7cc174a909b049b802cd70546e52 /libsimple/vallocz.h
parentMore header file documentation (diff)
Signed-off-by: Mattias Andrée <maandree@kth.se>
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 162 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/libsimple/vallocz.h b/libsimple/vallocz.h
index 2831cf8..a4765c5 100644
--- a/libsimple/vallocz.h
+++ b/libsimple/vallocz.h
@@ -1,9 +1,23 @@
/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
- * The alignment will be the page size.
- */
+ * Dynamically allocates heap allocated, optionally
+ * initialised, memory with page size alignment
+ *
+ * The product of all arguments except `clear`, up to the
+ * first 0, will be used as the number of bytes to allocated
+ *
+ * @param clear Non-zero if the memory should be initialised
+ * @param n First factor for the allocation size, must not be 0
+ * @param ap The rest of the factors for the allocation size,
+ * all arguments should have the type `size_t`, and
+ * list must end with 0 (which is not factor)
+ * @return A unique pointer with at least the specified size
+ * and with page size alignment; `NULL` on failure
+ * @throws EINVAL `n` is 0
+ * @throws ENOMEM Could not allocated enough memory
+ */
_LIBSIMPLE_GCC_ONLY(__attribute__((__malloc__, __warn_unused_result__)))
static inline void *
libsimple_vvalloczn(int __clear, size_t __n, va_list __ap) /* TODO test ([v]valloc[z]n) */
@@ -17,6 +31,18 @@ libsimple_vvalloczn(int __clear, size_t __n, va_list __ap) /* TODO test ([v]vall
# define vvalloczn libsimple_vvalloczn
+ * Dynamically allocates heap allocated, optionally
+ * initialised, memory with page size alignment
+ *
+ * @param clear Non-zero if the memory should be initialised
+ * @param n The number of bytes to allocate
+ * @return A unique pointer with at least the specified size
+ * and with page size alignment; `NULL` on failure
+ * @throws EINVAL `n` is 0
+ * @throws ENOMEM Could not allocated enough memory
+ */
_LIBSIMPLE_GCC_ONLY(__attribute__((__malloc__, __alloc_size__(2), __warn_unused_result__)))
static inline void *
libsimple_vallocz(int __clear, size_t __n) /* TODO test (valloc[z]) */
@@ -30,6 +56,24 @@ libsimple_vallocz(int __clear, size_t __n) /* TODO test (valloc[z]) */
# define vallocz libsimple_vallocz
+ * Dynamically allocates heap allocated, optionally
+ * initialised, memory with page size alignment
+ *
+ * The product of all arguments except `clear`, up to the
+ * first 0, will be used as the number of bytes to allocated
+ *
+ * @param clear Non-zero if the memory should be initialised
+ * @param n First factor for the allocation size, must not be 0
+ * @param ... The rest of the factors for the allocation size,
+ * all arguments should have the type `size_t`, and
+ * list must end with 0 (which is not factor)
+ * @return A unique pointer with at least the specified size
+ * and with page size alignment; `NULL` on failure
+ * @throws EINVAL `n` is 0
+ * @throws ENOMEM Could not allocated enough memory
+ */
_LIBSIMPLE_GCC_ONLY(__attribute__((__malloc__, __warn_unused_result__)))
static inline void *
libsimple_valloczn(int __clear, size_t __n, ... /*, (size_t)0 */)
@@ -43,6 +87,22 @@ libsimple_valloczn(int __clear, size_t __n, ... /*, (size_t)0 */)
# define valloczn libsimple_valloczn
+ * Dynamically allocates heap allocated, optionally
+ * initialised, memory with page size alignment
+ *
+ * On failure, the `libsimple_enprintf` function is called,
+ * cause the program to print an error message and exit,
+ * see `libsimple_enprintf` for more information
+ *
+ * @param status The exit value for the process in case of failure
+ * @param clear Non-zero if the memory should be initialised
+ * @param n The number of bytes to allocate, the behaviour of
+ * this function is unspecified for the value 0
+ * @return A unique pointer with at least the specified size
+ * and with page size alignment
+ */
_LIBSIMPLE_GCC_ONLY(__attribute__((__malloc__, __alloc_size__(3), __warn_unused_result__, __returns_nonnull__)))
static inline void *
libsimple_envallocz(int __status, int __clear, size_t __n) /* TODO test (e[n]valloc[z]) */
@@ -56,6 +116,28 @@ libsimple_envallocz(int __status, int __clear, size_t __n) /* TODO test (e[n]val
# define envallocz libsimple_envallocz
+ * Dynamically allocates heap allocated, optionally
+ * initialised, memory with page size alignment
+ *
+ * The product of all arguments except `status` and
+ * `clear`, up to the first 0, will be used as the number
+ * of bytes to allocated
+ *
+ * On failure, the `libsimple_enprintf` function is called,
+ * cause the program to print an error message and exit,
+ * see `libsimple_enprintf` for more information
+ *
+ * @param status The exit value for the process in case of failure
+ * @param clear Non-zero if the memory should be initialised
+ * @param n First factor for the allocation size, must not be 0
+ * @param ap The rest of the factors for the allocation size,
+ * all arguments should have the type `size_t`, and
+ * list must end with 0 (which is not factor)
+ * @return A unique pointer with at least the specified size
+ * and with page size alignment
+ */
_LIBSIMPLE_GCC_ONLY(__attribute__((__malloc__, __warn_unused_result__, __returns_nonnull__)))
static inline void *
libsimple_envvalloczn(int __status, int __clear, size_t __n, va_list __ap) /* TODO test (e[n][v]valloc[z]n, e[n]vallocn) */
@@ -70,6 +152,28 @@ libsimple_envvalloczn(int __status, int __clear, size_t __n, va_list __ap) /* TO
# define envvalloczn libsimple_envvalloczn
+ * Dynamically allocates heap allocated, optionally
+ * initialised, memory with page size alignment
+ *
+ * The product of all arguments except `status` and
+ * `clear`, up to the first 0, will be used as the number
+ * of bytes to allocated
+ *
+ * On failure, the `libsimple_enprintf` function is called,
+ * cause the program to print an error message and exit,
+ * see `libsimple_enprintf` for more information
+ *
+ * @param status The exit value for the process in case of failure
+ * @param clear Non-zero if the memory should be initialised
+ * @param n First factor for the allocation size, must not be 0
+ * @param ... The rest of the factors for the allocation size,
+ * all arguments should have the type `size_t`, and
+ * list must end with 0 (which is not factor)
+ * @return A unique pointer with at least the specified size
+ * and with page size alignment
+ */
_LIBSIMPLE_GCC_ONLY(__attribute__((__malloc__, __warn_unused_result__, __returns_nonnull__)))
static inline void *
libsimple_envalloczn(int __status, int __clear, size_t __n, ... /*, (size_t)0 */)
@@ -83,6 +187,21 @@ libsimple_envalloczn(int __status, int __clear, size_t __n, ... /*, (size_t)0 */
# define envalloczn libsimple_envalloczn
+ * Dynamically allocates heap allocated, optionally
+ * initialised, memory with page size alignment
+ *
+ * On failure, the `libsimple_eprintf` function is called,
+ * cause the program to print an error message and exit,
+ * see `libsimple_eprintf` for more information
+ *
+ * @param clear Non-zero if the memory should be initialised
+ * @param n The number of bytes to allocate, the behaviour of
+ * this function is unspecified for the value 0
+ * @return A unique pointer with at least the specified size
+ * and with page size alignment
+ */
_LIBSIMPLE_GCC_ONLY(__attribute__((__malloc__, __alloc_size__(2), __warn_unused_result__, __returns_nonnull__)))
static inline void *libsimple_evallocz(int __clear, size_t __n)
{ return libsimple_envallocz(libsimple_default_failure_exit, __clear, __n); }
@@ -90,6 +209,26 @@ static inline void *libsimple_evallocz(int __clear, size_t __n)
# define evallocz libsimple_evallocz
+ * Dynamically allocates heap allocated, optionally
+ * initialised, memory with page size alignment
+ *
+ * The product of all arguments except `clear`, up to the
+ * first 0, will be used as the number of bytes to allocated
+ *
+ * On failure, the `libsimple_eprintf` function is called,
+ * cause the program to print an error message and exit,
+ * see `libsimple_eprintf` for more information
+ *
+ * @param clear Non-zero if the memory should be initialised
+ * @param n First factor for the allocation size, must not be 0
+ * @param ap The rest of the factors for the allocation size,
+ * all arguments should have the type `size_t`, and
+ * list must end with 0 (which is not factor)
+ * @return A unique pointer with at least the specified size
+ * and with page size alignment
+ */
_LIBSIMPLE_GCC_ONLY(__attribute__((__malloc__, __warn_unused_result__, __returns_nonnull__)))
static inline void *libsimple_evvalloczn(int __clear, size_t __n, va_list __ap)
{ return libsimple_envvalloczn(libsimple_default_failure_exit, __clear, __n, __ap); }
@@ -97,6 +236,26 @@ static inline void *libsimple_evvalloczn(int __clear, size_t __n, va_list __ap)
# define evvalloczn libsimple_evvalloczn
+ * Dynamically allocates heap allocated, optionally
+ * initialised, memory with page size alignment
+ *
+ * The product of all arguments except `clear`, up to the
+ * first 0, will be used as the number of bytes to allocated
+ *
+ * On failure, the `libsimple_eprintf` function is called,
+ * cause the program to print an error message and exit,
+ * see `libsimple_eprintf` for more information
+ *
+ * @param clear Non-zero if the memory should be initialised
+ * @param n First factor for the allocation size, must not be 0
+ * @param ... The rest of the factors for the allocation size,
+ * all arguments should have the type `size_t`, and
+ * list must end with 0 (which is not factor)
+ * @return A unique pointer with at least the specified size
+ * and with page size alignment
+ */
_LIBSIMPLE_GCC_ONLY(__attribute__((__malloc__, __warn_unused_result__, __returns_nonnull__)))
static inline void *
libsimple_evalloczn(int __clear, size_t __n, ... /*, (size_t)0 */)