.TH LIBSHA2 7 2022-07-07 libsha1 .SH NAME libsha2 \- SHA-2 hashing library .SH DESCRIPTION .B libsha1 is an implementation of the SHA-2 family hashing functions: SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA-512/224, and SHA-512/256; with support for state marshalling and HMAC. .SH SEE ALSO .BR libsha2.h (0), .BR libsha2_algorithm_output_size (3), .BR libsha2_behex_lower (3), .BR libsha2_behex_upper (3), .BR libsha2_digest (3), .BR libsha2_hmac_digest (3), .BR libsha2_hmac_init (3), .BR libsha2_hmac_marshal (3), .BR libsha2_hmac_unmarshal (3), .BR libsha2_hmac_update (3), .BR libsha2_init (3), .BR libsha2_marshal (3), .BR libsha2_state_output_size (3), .BR libsha2_sum_fd (3), .BR libsha2_unhex (3), .BR libsha2_unmarshal (3), .BR libsha2_update (3)