.TH RTGRPBLIB_DRAW_CUBIC_BEZIER 3 LIBRIFUNKTIONSTECKENSNITTSGLYFRASTERISERINGSPROGRAMBIBLIOTEKET .SH NAME rtgrpblib_draw_cubic_bezier - Draw a cubic Bézier curve .SH DESCRIPTION .LP .nf #include void rtgrpblib_draw_cubic_bezier(RTGRPBLIB_RASTER *\fIraster\fP, double \fIx1\fP, double \fIy1\fP, double \fIx2\fP, double \fIy2\fP, double \fIx3\fP, double \fIy3\fP, double \fIx4\fP, double \fIy4\fP); .fi .PP Link with .IR "-lrifunktionsteckensnittsglyfrasteriseringsprogrambiblioteket -lm" . .SH DESCRIPTION The .BR rtgrpblib_draw_cubic_bezier () function draws onto .I raster a cubic Bézier curve, as part of a contour, from .RI ( x1 , .IR y1 ) to .RI ( x4 , .IR y4 ) with .RI ( x2 , .IR y2 ) and .RI ( x4 , .IR y4 ) as the additional control points. .PP The function draws the linear interpolant of corresponding points in the two quadratic Bézier curves made of the of the three first control points and the three last control points respectively. .SH RETURN VALUES None. .SH ERRORS None. .SH SEE ALSO .BR librifunktionsteckensnittsglyfrasteriseringsprogrambiblioteket (7), .BR rtgrpblib_create_raster (3), .BR rtgrpblib_fill_shapes (3), .BR rtgrpblib_draw_linear_bezier (3), .BR rtgrpblib_draw_quadratic_bezier (3), .BR rtgrpblib_draw_circular_arc (3)