.TH RTGRPBLIB_DRAW_CIRCULAR_ARC 3 LIBRIFUNKTIONSTECKENSNITTSGLYFRASTERISERINGSPROGRAMBIBLIOTEKET .SH NAME rtgrpblib_draw_circular_arc - Draw a circular arc .SH DESCRIPTION .LP .nf #include void rtgrpblib_draw_circular_arc(RTGRPBLIB_RASTER *\fIraster\fP, double \fIx0\fP, double \fIy0\fP, double \fIsemiwidth\fP, double \fIsemiheight\fP, double \fIstart\fP, double \fIend\fP); .fi .PP Link with .IR "-lrifunktionsteckensnittsglyfrasteriseringsprogrambiblioteket -lm" . .SH DESCRIPTION The .BR rtgrpblib_draw_circular_arc () function draws onto .I raster a circular arch, as part of a contour. The arc's circle is defined as the circle with the midpoint .RI ( x0 , .IR y0 ) and the radius that is .I semiwidth cells horizontally and .I semiheight cells vertically. The arc itself is drawn from the angle .I start to the .IR end , both are specified in radians. .SH RETURN VALUES None. .SH ERRORS None. .SH NOTES The .BR rtgrpblib_draw_circular_arc () function is intended to draw the arc of a circle, not the arc of an ellipse, which is why it doesn't have a way to rotate the ellipse despite the function providing a way to specify the semimajor and the semiminor, not just a radius. The function provides this two parameters, rather than a single radius parameter because the image may, and indeed probably will, have a different horizontal cell density than vertical cell density, this is because the pixels on a monitor are not perfect squares (and might not even approximate square), and because the image may be created (for example) for a horizontal cell density three times greater than the monitor's horizontal pixel density, but the same vertical density, in order to render an image that will use subpixel antialiasing. .SH SEE ALSO .BR librifunktionsteckensnittsglyfrasteriseringsprogrambiblioteket (7), .BR rtgrpblib_create_raster (3), .BR rtgrpblib_fill_shapes (3), .BR rtgrpblib_draw_linear_bezier (3), .BR rtgrpblib_draw_quadratic_bezier (3), .BR rtgrpblib_draw_cubic_bezier (3)