.TH RTGRPBLIB_CREATE_RASTER 3 LIBRIFUNKTIONSTECKENSNITTSGLYFRASTERISERINGSPROGRAMBIBLIOTEKET .SH NAME rtgrpblib_create_raster - Create a drawing buffer .SH DESCRIPTION .LP .nf #include typedef struct rtgrpblib_raster RTGRPBLIB_RASTER; RTGRPBLIB_RASTER *rtgrpblib_create_raster(size_t \fIwidth\fP, size_t \fIheight\fP); .fi .PP Link with .IR "-lrifunktionsteckensnittsglyfrasteriseringsprogrambiblioteket" . .SH DESCRIPTION The .BR rtgrpblib_create_raster () function creates a buffer, with configurations, that the library's drawing functions can draw curves in, which the .BR rtgrpblib_fill_shapes (3) function can ultimately process to generate a image. .PP The created buffer will be .I width cells wide, and .I height cells tall. .PP The returned object can be deallocated using the .BR free (3) function, it can also be reinitialised and reshaped using the .BR rtgrpblib_reset_raster (3) function. .SH RETURN VALUES The .BR rtgrpblib_create_raster () function returns a pointer to a newly allocated object upon successful completion, and .I NULL on failure. .SH ERRORS The .BR rtgrpblib_create_raster () function will fail if: .TP .B EINVAL .I width or .I height is zero. .LP and may fail if: .TP .B ENOMEM Cannot allocate enough memory. .SH SEE ALSO .BR librifunktionsteckensnittsglyfrasteriseringsprogrambiblioteket (7), .BR rtgrpblib_reset_raster (3), .BR rtgrpblib_set_draftness (3), .BR rtgrpblib_fill_shapes (3)