NAME librifunktionsteckensnittsglyfrasteriseringsprogrambiblioteket - Font rasterisation library DESCRIPTION librifunktionsteckensnittsglyfrasteriseringsprogrambiblioteket is a C library for converting shape outlines to filled shapes, with a focus on fonts, which that it only supports filled, closed shapes and that the direction of the outline determines whether a shape adds or subtracts to the image (the absolute values of the result is used in the image). Furthermore this means that the library only supports curve types that are used for drawing glyphs; specifically this means that lines and quadratic Bézier curves are supported by cause this is what is requied to draw vectorised bitmap fonts and TrueType fonts, but also cubic Bézier curves as this is required for OpenType fonts and elliptical arcs (elliptical rather than circular because it may be need required to strech the circle to support outputs with different vertical and horizontal dot density and to support subpixel antialiasing) as this is commonly used for corners when stroking the outline of a glyph. NOTES Rifunktionsteckensnittsglyfrasteriseringsprogrambiblioteket (hyphenation: ri|funk¦tions-tec¦ken|snit¦ts-glyf-ras¦ter¦iser¦ings-prog¦ram|bib¦lio¦te¦ket) is Swedish for "the library for rasterising glyphs from spline fonts". Because of the length of the library name, and length limitation on function names, the functions in this library are namespaced with the prefix "rtgrpblib_".