.TH LIBRED_SOLAR_ELEVATION 3 LIBRED .SH NAME libred_solar_elevation \- Calculate the Sun's apparent elevation .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include int \fBlibred_solar_elevation\fP(double \fIlatitude\fP, double \fIlongitude\fP, double *\fIelevation\fP); .fi .PP Link with .I -lred .IR -lm . .SH DESCRIPTION .BR libred_solar_elevation () calculates the Sun's elevation, and stores it, measured in degrees, in .IR *elevation , as apparent from a selected geographical position, namely from .I latitude degrees north of GPS's equator and .I longitude degrees east of GPS's prime meridian. The function is only explicitly defined for values between -90 and +90 for .I latitude and values between -180 and +180 for and .IR longitude . Other values may or may not work, no error is thrown if used. .SH RETURN VALUE Upon successful completion, the .BR libred_solar_elevation () function returns 0, on failure it returns -1 and sets .I errno to indicate the error. .SH ERRORS The .BR libred_solar_elevation () function may fail for any reason specified for .BR clock_gettime (3). .SH SEE ALSO .BR libred.h (0), .BR libred (7), .BR libred_check_timetravel (3), .BR libred_get_colour (3)