.TH LIBRED_CHECK_TIMETRAVEL 3 LIBRED .SH NAME libred_check_timetravel \- Exit the process if the clock is too far in the past .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include int \fBlibred_check_timetravel\fP(void); .fi .PP Link with .IR -lred . .SH DESCRIPTION The .BR libred_check_timetravel () function exits the process if .B libred is not compiled to support the current time, which is the case if it was compiled without .I \-DTIMETRAVELLER and the clock is before year 2000.5 in the Julian calendar. Before exiting, the function will print an informative error message to standard error. .SH RETURN VALUE Upon successful completion, without time incompatibility, the function .BR libred_check_timetravel () returns 0. On failure, the function returns -1 and sets .I errno to indicate the error. .SH ERRORS The function may fail for any reason specified for .BR clock_gettime (3). .SH SEE ALSO .BR libred.h (0), .BR libred (7), .BR libred_solar_elevation (3)