.TH LIBRARIAN 1 LIBRARIAN .SH NAME librarian \- Return flags for compiling against libraries .SH SYNOPSIS .B librarian .RI [ OPTION ]...\ [\-\-] .RI [ VARIABLE ]...\ [ LIBRARY ...] .SH DESCRIPTION .B librarian is used to print flags required when compiling or linking, and want to use library that requires non-trival flags. .PP .B librarian shall output the flags, required by the selected libraries, .IR LIBRARY , that are listed under the selected variables, .IR VARIABLE . .PP .I LIBRARY can either be the name of the required library, the name of the required library and a version of said library, or the name of the required library and an accepted version range of said library. If the same library name is used more than once, the versions and version ranges are unioned. Recognised formats are: .TP .I NAME Any version of the library .I NAME will do. .TP .IB NAME = VERSION Only version .I VERSION of the library .I NAME is acceptable. (Multiple version can be used by specifying more than once.) .TP .IB NAME <= MAX Any versions up to and including .I MAX of the library .I NAME will do. .TP .IB NAME < MAX Any versions up to but excluding .I MAX of the library .I NAME will do. .TP .IB NAME >= MIN At least version .I MIN of the library .I NAME is required. .TP .IB NAME > MIN A greater version than version .I MIN of the library .I NAME is required. .TP .IB NAME >= MIN <= MAX Combines .IB NAME >= MIN and .IR NAME \fB<=\fP MAX . .TP .IB NAME >= MIN < MAX Combines .IB NAME >= MIN and .IR NAME \fB<\fP MAX . .TP .IB NAME > MIN <= MAX Combines .IB NAME > MIN and .IR NAME \fB<=\fP MAX . .TP .IB NAME > MIN < MAX Combines .IB NAME > MIN and .IR NAME \fB<\fP MAX . .PP The are not predefined values for .IR VARIABLE , but the standardised ones are: .TP .B CFLAGS Flags required by the compiler to compile the if the library .I LIBRARY is used. The library is a C library. .TP .B CPPFLAGS Flags required by the C preprocessor to compile the if the library .I LIBRARY is used. .TP .B LDFLAGS Flags required by the linker to link the program when the library .I LIBRARY is used. .TP .B CXXFLAGS Flags required by the compiler to compile the if the library .I LIBRARY is used. The library is a C++ library. .TP .B deps Libraries the library .I LIBRARY is dependent on. Flags from these libraries should not appear in the other variables unless the library .I LIBRARY requires them directly. .PP All variables should be in upper case unless they are reserved. In the latter case, the are lower cased. .PP If .I VARIABLE is omitted, the process will exit with the value .B 0 if all listed libraries, .IR LIBRARY , are available, and otherwise exit with the value .BR 2 . .PP .B librarian files should be stored in .BR PREFIX/share/librarian/ . Its filename should be the name of the library, followed by an .B = (equals-sign) and the version number. .PP Empty lines and lines starting with a .B # (she) in a .B librarian files is ignored. Other lines should begin with a variable name and be followed by the required flags relevant to that variable. For the variable .BR deps , libraries that the library requires should be listed in the same format the .I LIBRARY argument uses. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-d Add output for dependencies too. Should be used for .B LDFLAGS when linking statically. .TP .B \-l Print the location of the files specified by .IR LIBRARY . .TP .B \-o Prefer older libraries, when multiple versions are available. .SH ENVIRONMENT .B LIBRARIAN_PATH Colon separated list of directories to search for librarian files. .SH "EXIT STATUS" .TP .B 0 Program was successful. .TP .B 1 An error occurred. .TP .B 2 A library was not found. .TP .B 3 Usage error. .SH RATIONALE .BR pkg-config (1) sucks. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR pkg-config (1) .SH AUTHORS Principal author, Mattias Andrée. See the LICENSE file for the full list of authors. .SH LICENSE MIT/X Consortium License. .SH BUGS Please report bugs to https://github.com/maandree/librarian/issues or to maandree@member.fsf.org