.TH LIBPARSER-GENERATE 1 LIBPARSER .SH NAME libparser-generate \- Generate grammar definition for libparser .SH SYNPOSIS .B libparser-generate .I main-rule .SH DESCRIPTION The .B libparser-generate utility parsers the standard input according to the grammar specified in .BR libparser (7) and prints to the standard output a C source file containing the definition for .B libparser_rule that is declared in .B as .PP .RS .nf .I extern const struct libparser_rule *const libparser_rule_table[]; .fi .RE .PP This table will contain all defined rules, plus three special rules: .TP .B @start .nf .BI "@start = " main-rule ", (@eof | @noeof);" .fi where .I main-rule is the value of the .I main-rule operand in the command line. This .RB [ @start ] is the rule the .BR libparser_parse_file (3) function will use when parsing input. .TP .B @eof This rule has a special definition, it is matched if the end of the file has been reached. .TP .B @noeof .nf .B "@noeof = -;" .fi This rule is simple defined as an exception, causing the parsing to terminate at the end with an exception of it didn't reach the end of the file. .SH SEE ALSO .BR libparser (7), .BR libparser_parse_file (3)