.TH LIBPARSEPSF_GET_GLYPH 3 LIBPARSEPSF .SH NAME libparsepsf_get_glyph \- Get glyph to use in a position in a text .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include size_t libparsepsf_get_glyph(struct libparsepsf_font *\fIfont\fP, const char *\fIc\fP, size_t *\fIremp\fP, const char **\fInext_cp\fP); .fi .PP Link with .IR -lparsepsf . .SH DESCRIPTION The .B libparsepsf_get_glyph function gets the next glyph to print for a line of text. .PP .I font be a parsed font: created with .BR libparsepsf_parse_font (3). .PP .I c shall be the current position in the text, and either .I remp shall be .I NULL or .I *remp shall be the number of bytes remaining in the text. .PP Upon successful completion, the number of bytes read from .I c will be subtracted from .IR *remp (unless .I remp is .IR NULL ), and, unless .I next_cp is .I NULL, .I *next_cp will be set to .I &c[n] where .I n is the number of bytes in the byte-sequence for the returned glyph. .PP If and only if .I remp is .IR NULL , the .B libparsepsf_get_glyph function will assume the text ends at the first NUL byte. .PP .I *remp and .I *next_cp are only updated if the function returns a non-zero value. .SH RETURN VALUE The .B libparsepsf_get_glyph function returned a glyph index, plus 1, upon successful completion, or 0 if the end of the text has been reached or if there is no glyph for the current position. On failure the function returns 0 and sets .I errno appropriately to indicate the error. .SH ERRORS The .B libparsepsf_get_glyph function may fail if: .TP .B EILSEQ If .I font->map is .I NULL and an illegal byte sequence was found. .SH NOTE A sequence of multiple characters can be rendered as a single glyph, therefore it is important that the entire text line has been loaded and there all characters on the line in prior positions have been mapped. .PP The .B libparsepsf_get_glyph function does not treat especially. .SH SEE ALSO .BR libparsepsf_parse_font (3)