.TH LIBPARSEPSF.H 0 LIBPARSEPSF .SH NAME libparsepsf.h \- Header file for interpreting PSF (PC Screen Font) files .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include .fi .PP Link with .IR -lparsepsf . .SH DESCRIPTION The .B header defines structures and functions for interpreting PSF (PC Screen Font) files. .PP This header defines the following functions: .TP .BR libparsepsf_parse_font (3) Parse a PSF file. .TP .BR libparsepsf_get_glyph (3) Get glyph to use at a position in a text string. .TP .BR libparsepsf_destroy_font (3) Deallocate a parsed PSF file. .PP This header defines the following structures: .TP .B struct libparsepsf_font Structure containing all font information. .TP .B struct libparsepsf_unimap Node for byte-sequence-to-glyph mapping trie. .SH SEE ALSO .BR libparsepsf (7), .BR libparsepsf_parse_font (3), .BR libparsepsf_get_glyph (3), .BR libparsepsf_destroy_font (3)