.TH LIBKECCAK_ZEROCOPY_UPDATE 3 LIBKECCAK .SH NAME libkeccak_zerocopy_update - Partially hash a message without copying .RB ( ADVANCED ) .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include void libkeccak_zerocopy_update(struct libkeccak_state *\fIstate\fP, const void *\fImsg\fP, size_t \fImsglen\fP); .fi .PP Link with .IR -lkeccak . .SH DESCRIPTION The .BR libkeccak_zerocopy_update () function continues (or starts) hashing a message. The current state of the hashing is stored in .IR *state , and will be updated. The message specified by the .I msg parameter with the byte-size specified by the .I msglen parameter, will be hashed. .PP As a restriction specific to the .BR libkeccak_zerocopy_update () function, the .I msglen argument must be an integer multiple of the bitrate divided by eight. This is returned by the .BR libkeccak_zerocopy_chunksize (3) function. The .BR libkeccak_update (3) or .BR libkeccak_fast_update (3) functions can be used to avoid this restriction, but these, unlike the .BR libkeccak_zerocopy_update () function, will copy the message and move around copied data. .SH RETURN VALUES The .BR libkeccak_zerocopy_update () function does not return a value. .SH ERRORS The .BR libkeccak_zerocopy_update () function cannot fail. .SH NOTES Neither parameter by be .I NULL or 0. .PP It is safe call the .BR libkeccak_zerocopy_update () function before the .BR libkeccak_update (3), .BR libkeccak_fast_update (3) .BR libkeccak_digest (3) and .BR libkeccak_fast_digest (3) functions with the same .I state argument. However, calling the .BR libkeccak_zerocopy_update () function after the .BR libkeccak_update (3) or .BR libkeccak_fast_update (3) functions may cause the message to be misread. .SH SEE ALSO .BR libkeccak_state_initialise (3), .BR libkeccak_zerocopy_chunksize (3), .BR libkeccak_fast_update (3), .BR libkeccak_update (3), .BR libkeccak_fast_digest (3), .BR libkeccak_zerocopy_digest (3), .BR libkeccak_digest (3)