/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */ #include "common.h" /** * Initialise a state according to hashing specifications * * @param state The state that should be initialised * @param spec The specifications for the state * @return Zero on success, -1 on error */ int libkeccak_state_initialise(libkeccak_state_t *restrict state, const libkeccak_spec_t *restrict spec) { long int x; state->r = spec->bitrate; state->n = spec->output; state->c = spec->capacity; state->b = state->r + state->c; state->w = x = state->b / 25; state->l = 0; if (x & 0xF0L) state->l |= 4, x >>= 4; if (x & 0x0CL) state->l |= 2, x >>= 2; if (x & 0x02L) state->l |= 1; state->nr = 12 + (state->l << 1); state->wmod = (state->w == 64) ? ~0LL : (int64_t)((1ULL << state->w) - 1); for (x = 0; x < 25; x++) state->S[x] = 0; state->mptr = 0; state->mlen = (size_t)(state->r * state->b) >> 2; state->M = malloc(state->mlen * sizeof(char)); return state->M == NULL ? -1 : 0; }