.TH LIBKECCAK_FAST_UPDATE 3 LIBKECCAK .SH NAME libkeccak_fast_update - Partially hash a message without erasure .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include int libkeccak_fast_update(struct libkeccak_state *\fIstate\fP, const void *\fImsg\fP, size_t \fImsglen\fP); .fi .PP Link with .IR -lkeccak . .SH DESCRIPTION The .BR libkeccak_fast_update () function continues (or starts) hashing a message. The current state of the hashing is stored in .IR *state , and will be updated. The message specified by the .I msg parameter with the byte-size specified by the .I msglen parameter, will be hashed. .PP The .BR libkeccak_fast_update () function may reallocate the state's message chunk buffer. When doing so, it attempts to do so as quickly as possible, rather than ensuring that the information in the old allocation is securely removed if a new allocation is required. .SH RETURN VALUES The .BR libkeccak_fast_update () function returns 0 upon successful completion. On error, -1 is returned and .I errno is set to describe the error. .SH ERRORS The .BR libkeccak_fast_update () function may fail for any reason specified by the function .BR realloc (3). .SH NOTES Neither parameter by be .I NULL or 0. .SH EXAMPLE This example calculates the Keccak[b = 1024, c = 576, n = 256] hash of the input from stdin, and prints the hash, in hexadecimal form, to stdout. .PP .nf struct libkeccak_state state; struct libkeccak_spec spec; char binhash[256 / 8]; char hexhash[256 / 8 * 2 + 1]; char chunk[4 << 10]; ssize_t len; spec.bitrate = 1024; spec.capacity = 576; spec.output = 256; if (libkeccak_state_initialise(&state, &spec) < 0) goto fail; for (;;) { len = read(STDIN_FILENO, chunk, sizeof(chunk)); if ((len < 0) && (errno == EINTR)) continue; if (len < 0) goto fail; if (len == 0) break; if (libkeccak_fast_update(&state, chunk, (size_t)len) < 0) goto fail; } if (libkeccak_fast_digest(&state, NULL, 0, 0, \(dq\(dq, binhash) < 0) goto fail; libkeccak_behex_lower(hexhash, binhash, sizeof(binhash)); printf(\(dq%s\en\(dq, hexhash); libkeccak_state_fast_destroy(&state); .fi .SH SEE ALSO .BR libkeccak_state_initialise (3), .BR libkeccak_zerocopy_update (3), .BR libkeccak_update (3), .BR libkeccak_fast_digest (3), .BR libkeccak_zerocopy_digest (3), .BR libkeccak_digest (3)