.TH LIBKECCAK_UNHEX 3 LIBKECCAK-%VERSION% .SH NAME libkeccak_unhex - Converts a hexadecimal hashsum to binary .SH SYNOPSIS .LP .nf #include .P void libkeccak_unhex(char *restrict \fIoutput\fP, const char *restrict \fIhashsum\fP); .fi .P Link with \fI-lkeccak\fP. .SH DESCRIPTION The .BR libkeccak_unhex () function converts a hexadecimal hashsum, stored in \fIhashsum\fP, to binary, and stores the binary representation in \fIoutput\fP. .PP \fIhashsum\fP must be terminated by a NUL-character. It may be in either lowercase or uppercase, or a mixture thereof. \fIoutput\fP will not be terminated. .PP (\fBstrlen\fP(\fIhashsum\fP) / 2) bytes will be written to the beginning of \fIoutput\fP. It should therefore have an allocation of at least that number of bytes. .SH RETURN VALUES The .BR libkeccak_unhex () function does return any value. .SH ERRORS The .BR libkeccak_unhex () function cannot fail. .SH NOTES \fIhashsum\fP must have an even number of digits (characters excluding the terminating NUL-character.) .SH SEE ALSO .BR libkeccak_behex_lower (3), .BR libkeccak_behex_upper (3) .SH AUTHORS Principal author, Mattias Andrée. See the LICENSE file for the full list of authors. .SH BUGS Please report bugs to https://github.com/maandree/libkeccak/issues or to maandree@member.fsf.org