PREFIX = /usr MANPREFIX = $(PREFIX)/share/man CC = c99 CPPFLAGS = -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE -D_BSD_SOURCE -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=700 -D_GNU_SOURCE CFLAGS = LDFLAGS = LDFLAGS_LIBSHA1 = -lsha1 CPPFLAGS_LIBSHA1 = LDFLAGS_LIBSHA2 = -lsha2 CPPFLAGS_LIBSHA2 = LDFLAGS_LIBKECCAK = -lkeccak CPPFLAGS_LIBKECCAK = LDFLAGS_LIBBLAKE = -lblake CPPFLAGS_LIBBLAKE = DEFAULT_SUPPORT = yes # Shall either be "yes" or "no", the same applies below where this macro is used SUPPORT_MD2 = $(DEFAULT_SUPPORT) # Support is built in SUPPORT_MD4 = $(DEFAULT_SUPPORT) # Support is built in SUPPORT_MD5 = $(DEFAULT_SUPPORT) # Support is built in SUPPORT_RIPEMD_128 = $(DEFAULT_SUPPORT) # Support is built in SUPPORT_RIPEMD_160 = $(DEFAULT_SUPPORT) # Support is built in SUPPORT_RIPEMD_256 = $(DEFAULT_SUPPORT) # Support is built in SUPPORT_RIPEMD_320 = $(DEFAULT_SUPPORT) # Support is built in SUPPORT_SHA1 = $(DEFAULT_SUPPORT) # Includes SHA0 and SHA1, requires libsha1 SUPPORT_SHA2 = $(DEFAULT_SUPPORT) # Includes SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA-512/224, and SHA-512/256, requires libsha2 SUPPORT_SHA3 = $(DEFAULT_SUPPORT) # Includes SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, and SHA3-512, requires libkeccak>=1.3 SUPPORT_SHAKE = $(DEFAULT_SUPPORT) # Includes SHAKE224, SHAKE256, SHAKE384, and SHAKE512, requires libkeccak>=1.3 SUPPORT_RAWSHAKE = $(DEFAULT_SUPPORT) # Includes RawSHAKE224, RawSHAKE256, RawSHAKE384, and RawSHAKE512, requires libkeccak>=1.3 SUPPORT_BLAKE224 = $(DEFAULT_SUPPORT) # Requires libblake>=1.1 SUPPORT_BLAKE256 = $(DEFAULT_SUPPORT) # Requires libblake>=1.1 SUPPORT_BLAKE384 = $(DEFAULT_SUPPORT) # Requires libblake>=1.1 SUPPORT_BLAKE512 = $(DEFAULT_SUPPORT) # Requires libblake>=1.1 SUPPORT_BLAKE2S = $(DEFAULT_SUPPORT) # Requires libblake>=3.0 SUPPORT_BLAKE2B = $(DEFAULT_SUPPORT) # Requires libblake>=3.0