path: root/libhashsum_init_shake256_hasher.3
blob: d9f407ee25952c5beddf718e787b85cc31417025 (plain) (tree)

libhashsum_init_shake256_hasher - initialise state for SHAKE256 hashing

#include <libhashsum.h>

\fBstruct libhashsum_hasher\fP {
	enum libhashsum_algorithm \fIalgorithm\fP;
	const char *\fIalgorithm_string\fP;
	size_t \fIinput_block_size\fP;
	size_t \fIhash_size\fP;
	unsigned char *\fIhash_output\fP;
	unsigned char \fIsupports_non_whole_bytes\fP;
	size_t (*\fIprocess\fP)(struct libhashsum_hasher *\fPthis\fP, const void *\fPdata\fP, size_t \fPbytes\fP);
	int (*\fIfinalise_const\fP)(struct libhashsum_hasher *\fPthis\fP, const void *\fPdata\fP, size_t \fPbytes\fP, unsigned \fPextra_bits\fP);
	int (*\fIfinalise\fP)(struct libhashsum_hasher *\fPthis\fP, void *\fPdata\fP, size_t \fPbytes\fP, unsigned \fPextra_bits\fP, size_t \fPsize\fP);
	void (*\fIdestroy\fP)(struct libhashsum_hasher *\fPthis\fP);
	union libhashsum_state { /* definition omitted */ } \fIstate\fP;

int \fBlibhashsum_init_shake256_hasher\fP(struct libhashsum_hasher *\fIhasher\fP, size_t \fIhashbits\fP);
Link with
.I -lhashsum
.IR "-lkeccak" .

.B libhashsum_init_shake256_hasher
function initialises
.I *hasher
for hashing using the cryptographic hash function
SHAKE256 (a version of SHAKE), and stores hash
function information and hashing functions for
SHAKE256 in
.IR *hasher .
.I hashbits
shall the hash size in bits or 0, for the default
hash size (256 bits).
.I hasher->algorithm
will be set to
.I hasher->algorithm_string
will be set to
.RB \(dq SHAKE256 \(dq,
or (if
.I hashbits
is neither 0 nor 256)
.RB \(dq SHAKE256[n= \fIhashbits\fP ] \(dq,
in which case
.I hasher->algorithm_string
will point to a buffer in
.IR hasher->state .
.I hasher->input_block_size
will be set to the block size SHAKE256 uses, in bytes.
.I hasher->hash_size
will be set to the size of SHAKE256 hashes, in bytes
.I hashbits
is 0 or 256).
.I hasher->hash_output
will be set to
.I hasher->supports_non_whole_bytes
will be set to 1
to indicate that the
.I *hasher->finalise
.I *hasher->finalise_const
functions support non-zero values in their
.I extra_bits
.I hasher->process
will be set to a pointer to the function to call
to feed, and process, data into the hash function.
Its parameter
.I this
shall be set to
.IR hasher .
Its parameter
.I data
parameter shall be set to the buffer of data to
process, and its parameter
.I bytes
shall set to the number of bytes to process from
.IR data .
.I *hasher->process
will return the number of bytes processed, which
will be a multiple of
.IR hasher->input_block_size
no greater than
.IR bytes .
.I hasher->finalise_const
will be set to a pointer to the function to call
once the entire text being hashed has been loaded,
and to get the hash of the text. It's parameter
.I this
shall be set to
.IR hasher .
Its parameter
.I data
shall be set to the beginning of any yet unprocessed
data, and its parameter
.I bytes
shall be set to the number of bytes to process from
.IR data .
Its parameter
.I extra_bits
shall be set to the number of bits to process from
the lower bits of the incomplete byte
.IR data[bytes] .
.I *hasher->finalise_const
function will return 0 upon successful completion,
and set
.I hasher->hash_output
to a pointer to a buffer in
.I hasher->state
containing the binary hash of the processed data.
Otherwise, the function will return -1, and set
.I errno
to indicate the error. The function will failure
.I extra_bits
is 8 or greater.
.I hasher->finalise
will be set to the pointer to a function that
is an alternative to
.I *hasher->finalise_const
that can support zero-copy provided that the
buffer input as the argument
.I data
is sufficiently large. The
.I *hasher->finalise
function may rewrite
.I data
and shall is does not safe to use for multiple
hashers (if the same text is hashed using multiple
.I *hasher->finalise_const
must be used). The
function's parameter
.I size
shall be set to the size of the buffer
.IR data .
.I *hasher->finalise
is otherwise identical to
.IR *hasher->finalise_const .
.I hasher->destroy
will be set to a pointer to a function to to
call, with
.I hasher
as the argument, deallocate dynamically
allocated data, which may invalidate any
pointer in
.IR *hasher .
.I hasher->state
will be initialised, it shall be treated as
internal to the library's implementation, and
may change between versions.
.I hasher
must not be

Upon successful completion, the
.B libhashsum_init_shake256_hasher
function returns 0. Otherwise,
the function returns -1 and sets
.I errno
to indicate the error. If -1
is returned, the state of
.I *hasher
is undefined.

.B libhashsum_init_shake256_hasher
function fails if:
Support was excluded at compile time.
Insufficient memory available.
.I hashbits
is too large.

libhashsum 1.0.

.BR libhashsum (7),
.BR libhashsum_init_shake_hasher (3)