.TH LIBHAIKU_PERROR2 3 LIBHAIKU .SH NAME libhaiku_perror2 \- Print a poetic error message for a specific error .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include void libhaiku_perror2(const char *\fIprefix\fP, int \fIerrnum\fP); .fi .PP Link with .IR \-lhaiku . .SH DESCRIPTION The .BR libhaiku_perror2 () function prints an error message in the form of a haiku, appropriate for the .B errno value specified in the .I errnum parameter, or if none are available, a generic one. If .I errnum is negative, a generic peom will be printed. .PP Unless .I NULL or empty, each line will be prefixed by the string specified in the .I prefix parameter, followed by a colon and a space. .SH RETURN VALUES None. .SH ERRORS Errors are not detected, but can be checked by calling .BR ferror (3) for .BR stderr (3) afterwards. .SH SEE ALSO .BR perror (3), .BR libhaiku (7), .BR libhaiku_perror (3), .BR libhaiku_generic (3), .BR libhaiku_strerror (3)