.TH LIBGLITTER_*_RENDER_CONTEXT 3 LIBGLITTER .SH NAME libglitter_create_render_context - Precompute data for libglitter_compose_*(3) .br libglitter_update_render_context - Precompute data for updated information for libglitter_compose_*(3) .br libglitter_free_render_context - Deallocate precompute data for libglitter_compose_*(3) .SH SYNOPSIS .LP .nf #include <libglitter.h> LIBGLITTER_RENDER_CONTEXT * libglitter_create_render_context(size_t \fInoutputs\fP, size_t \fIrowsize\fP, size_t \fIwidthmul\fP, size_t \fIheightmul\fP, const uint8_t *\fIcellmap\fP, const uint8_t *\fIncellvalues\fP); void libglitter_update_render_context(LIBGLITTER_RENDER_CONTEXT *\fIthis\fP, size_t \fIrowsize\fP); void libglitter_free_render_context(LIBGLITTER_RENDER_CONTEXT *\fIthis\fP); .fi .PP Link with .IR "-lglitter" . .SH DESCRIPTION The .BR libglitter_create_render_context () function precalculates information required for the .BR libglitter_compose_double (3) function and similar functions. .PP The .I noutputs argument shall be the number of rasters the .BR libglitter_compose_double (3) function and similar functions, output to; that is, the number of primary colours of the output (normally three: red, green, and blue). .PP The .I rowsize argument shall the number of cells the input raster has per row. It required that the input raster's cells are contigious for each row, meaning that moving one element over moves one cell over, so there is not cell size parameter. If the input raster is modified to have a different number of cellss per row, the returned object must be updated using the .BR libglitter_update_render_context () function. .PP The .I widthmul argument shall be the number of cells the input raster has in the horizontal dimension per pixel. For the standard horizontally stacked vertical stripes for red, green, and blue, this value is three. A cell is not necessarily a subpixel, in some layouts, some subpixels occupy multiple cells. .PP The .I heighmul argument shall be the number of cells the input raster has in the vertical dimension per pixel. For the standard horizontally stacked vertical stripes for red, green, and blue, this value is one. .PP The .I cellmap argument shall be a list of size .IR (heightmul*widthmul) , more specifically, it shall be a row-major matrix of height .I heightmul and width .IR widthmul . Its elements shall be values in [0, .IR noutputs ), specifying which subpixel occupies each cell for any pixel in the input raster. .PP Any pointer output by the .BR libglitter_create_render_context () function can, and (unless it is the null pointer) should be, deallocated using the .BR libglitter_free_render_context () function. .PP For any value .I i in [0, .IR noutputs ), .I ncellvalues[i] shall be the number of times the value .I i appears in .IR cellmap . .RE .SH RETURN VALUES The .BR libglitter_create_render_context () function returns, upon successful completion, a pointer to newly allocated memory. On failure, it returns .IR NULL . .PP The .BR libglitter_update_render_context () and .BR libglitter_free_render_context () functions do not return any value. .SH ERRORS The .BR libglitter_create_render_context () can fail with the following errors: .TP .B ENOMEM Could not allocate enough memory. .PP The .BR libglitter_update_render_context () and .BR libglitter_free_render_context () functions cannot fail. .SH NOTES In some (common) cases, the library infer the values stored in .I ncellvalues rather than read .IR ncellvalues . .SH SEE ALSO .BR libglitter (7), .BR libglitter_compose_double (3), .BR libglitter_reorder_rasters (3)