.TH LIBGLITTER_COLOUR_MODEL_CONVERT_RASTERS_* 3 LIBGLITTER .SH NAME LIBGLITTER_COLOUR_MODEL_CONVERT_RASTERS_* - Change colour model used for a set of corasters .SH SYNOPSIS .LP .nf #include void libglitter_colour_model_convert_rasters_double(size_t \fIn\fP, size_t \fIm\fP, double *\fIoutputs\fP[m], const double *\fIinputs\fP[n], size_t \fIoutput_rowsize\fP, size_t \fIoutput_cellsize\fP, size_t \fIinput_rowsize\fP, size_t \fIinput_cellsize\fP, size_t \fIwidth\fP, size_t \fIheight\fP, const double \fImatrix\fP[m][n]); void libglitter_colour_model_convert_rasters_float(size_t \fIn\fP, size_t \fIm\fP, float *\fIoutputs\fP[m], const float *\fIinputs\fP[n], size_t \fIoutput_rowsize\fP, size_t \fIoutput_cellsize\fP, size_t \fIinput_rowsize\fP, size_t \fIinput_cellsize\fP, size_t \fIwidth\fP, size_t \fIheight\fP, const float \fImatrix\fP[m][n]); .fi .PP Link with .IR "-lglitter -lm" . .SH DESCRIPTION The .BR libglitter_colour_model_convert_rasters_double () and .BR libglitter_colour_model_convert_rasters_float () functions convert a set of rasters (one per source colour channel) into another set of rasters (one per target colour channel) using a different colour model. This is useful for application that cannot output directly in the output's colour model. .PP .I n shall be the number of source colour channels (input rasters), and .I m shall be the number of target colour channels (output rasters). .PP .I outputs shall be the list of output rasters: it is to its elements that the function will write. Note that the rasters shall already be allocated. Additionally, the function may offset the input pointers in this list during execution. Therefore, the contents of this list shall be considered undefined immediately when the function is called, and may not be modified before the function terminates. The application must therefore have the pointers to these rasters saved elsewhere. The order the rasters shall have in the list .I outputs is determined how the colour model conversion matrix .RI ( matrix ) was constructed: if it was created using the .BR libglitter_colour_model_convert_rasters_double (3), function, or the .BR libglitter_colour_model_convert_rasters_float (3), function, the order shall be (0) red, (1) green, (2) blue or (0) X, (1) Y, (2) Z. .PP .I inputs shall be the list of input rasters: it is from its elements that the function will read. The function may offset the input pointers in this list during execution. Therefore, the contents of this list shall be considered undefined immediately when the function is called, and may not be modified before the function terminates. The application must therefore have the pointers to these rasters saved elsewhere. The order the rasters shall have in the list .I inputs is determined how the colour model conversion matrix .RI ( matrix ) was constructed: if it was created using the .BR libglitter_colour_model_convert_rasters_double (3), function, or the .BR libglitter_colour_model_convert_rasters_float (3), function, the order shall the order the output's primary colours' chromas hade in the function's argument list. .PP .I output_cellsize shall be the number of elements in an output raster the pointer to the raster must be offset with to get to a pointer to the next cell in the raster. .PP .I output_rowsize shall be the number of cells (not elements; but rather the number of elements divided by .IR output_cellsize ) in an output raster the pointer to the raster must be offset with to get a pointer to the next row but the same column in the raster .PP .I input_cellsize shall be the number of elements in an input raster the pointer to the raster must be offset with to get to a pointer to the next cell in the raster. .PP .I input_rowsize shall be the number of cells (not elements; but rather the number of elements divided by .IR input_cellsize ) in an input raster the pointer to the raster must be offset with to get a pointer to the next row but the same column in the raster .PP .I width and .I height shall describe the affected area in the rasters. .I width shall be the number of pixels the rasters have horizontally, and .I height shall be the number of pixels the rasters have vertically. .PP .I matrix shall be column-major conversion matrix from the source colour model (the output's colour model) to the target colour model (the application's colour model). .PP All rasters are in row-major order and must be distinct. .PP By default, these functions do not use hardware acceleration, they run on the CPU. However the .BR libglitter_enable_acceleration (3) may be able to enable hardware acceleration for these functions. It will require at least the following bits in its first argument to enable hardware acceleration: .RS .TP .I LIBGLITTER_FEATURE_COLOUR_MODEL | LIBGLITTER_FEATURE_DOUBLE_TYPE for .BR libglitter_colour_model_convert_rasters_double () or .TP .I LIBGLITTER_FEATURE_COLOUR_MODEL | LIBGLITTER_FEATURE_FLOAT_TYPE for .BR libglitter_colour_model_convert_rasters_float (). .RE .SH RETURN VALUES None. .SH ERRORS None. .SH SEE ALSO .BR libglitter (7), .BR libglitter_colour_model_convert_rasters_double (3), .BR libglitter_compose_double (3), .BR libglitter_desaturate_double (3)