.TH LIBGLITTER 7 LIBGLITTER .SH NAME libglitter - Subpixel-rendering library .SH DESCRIPTION .B libglitter is a C library for subpixel-rendered text from an greyscale-antialiased text image. .B libglitter is designed to be used in conjunction with other font libraries: it can neither rasterise glyphs nor does it know about the montor's subpixel layout or rendering configurations. .PP To use .B libglitter you first apply hinting to the text so that the glyph outlines aligns with the output's pixel-grid as closely as possible. The next step is to get the output's subpixel arrangement and scaling factor, then assuming that the output's subpixel arrangement is subpixel-rendering compatible and that its native resolution is used, you rasterise the text using greyscale-antialiasing into a raster sized according to the output's horizontal and vertical subpixel densities (rather than pixel densities as normally done with greyscale-antialiasing; some subpixels may have be counted multiple times depending on the subpixel arrangement). After this you create an uninitialised colour raster for text and the output's pixel density, and split it into one raster per colour channel using .BR libglitter_split_uint64_raster (3) or .BR libglitter_split_uint32_raster (3), this is when .B libglitter is first used in this process; alternatively you create one raster for each colour channel directly. Then you use .BR libglitter_compose_double (3), .BR libglitter_compose_float (3), .BR libglitter_compose_uint64 (3), .BR libglitter_compose_uint32 (3), .BR libglitter_compose_uint16 (3), or .BR libglitter_compose_uint8 (3) to create the subpixel-antialiased image of the text; you may have to first call .BR libglitter_reorder_rasters (3) to put the rasters in the expected order. .PP An optional next step is to use lessen the intensity of the subpixel-antialiasing with .BR libglitter_desaturate_double (3), .BR libglitter_desaturate_float (3), .BR libglitter_per_channel_desaturate_double (3), or .BR libglitter_per_channel_desaturate_float (3). .PP Then, if the application cannot output directly to the output's colour model, the application can use .BR libglitter_get_colour_model_conversion_matrix_double (3) and .BR libglitter_colour_model_convert_rasters_double (3) or .BR libglitter_get_colour_model_conversion_matrix_float (3) and .BR libglitter_colour_model_convert_rasters_float (3) to convert a colour model the application can output in. It is however out of the scope of .B libglitter to get the output's colour model and the conversion matrix to any other colour model than sRGB or CIE XYZ. .PP The finally step of the rendering process is out of scope for .BR libglitter , but is to ensure that all floating-point values (if floating-point rasters are used) are withing [0, 1] and convert the rasters, which only contain ink-on intensities, into the desired colour's with the output's transfer function applied. .PP The application may also desire to call .BR libglitter_enable_acceleration (3) at the beginning of its execution to enable any implemented and supported hardware acceleration. This may however be an expensive process, and may not be desirable for all applications. .SH APPLICATION USAGE Some users are more sensitive to colour while other users are more sensitive to shape. Subpixel-antialiasing, if done well, is a good option for users that are more sensitive to shape. However, for users that are more sensative to colour, subpixel-antialiasing renders glittering, and reading subpixel-antialiased text can be headache inducing, especially if implemented poorly or if the monitor doesn't have high enough pixel density (for some users just above normal laptop pixel density can be fine, but for others, not even 4K on a laptop is good enough). For these users, greyscale-antialiasing is a much better option. For this reason, applications must not for subpixel-antialiasing, and should even only used it if the user explicitly requests it. .PP Hinting is another important issue. For aliased text, hinting is critical to ensure that strokes do not disable because they are not wide enough, but also it is important so that a stroke's width is not doubled because it is a bit wider than a pixel or not aligned well with the pixel grid. Hinting attempts to align the font outline with the pixel grid. For greyscale-antialiased text, hinting as not as important, but it removes blurring and dim strokes. For subpixel-antialiased text, hinting is not as important as for aliased text, but it is more much important that one greyscale-antialiased text. For subpixel-antialiased text, hinting removes fringing (colours along the edge of a stroke) and miscoloured strokes, strokes can even disappear: for example, if the stroke only hits blue subpixels, but should be rendered as pure red (the primary colour) on black, there will only be black, as that is what primary red muliplied by primary blue results in. Applications are discourage for using subpixel-rendering on non-hinted text unless that user explicitly says it he wants subpixel-rendered text even it will look bad (presumably to see how it looks). Subpixel-rendering may also be a bad idea on coloured text. .PP Because subpixel-rendering is entirely dependent on the subpixel layout, it is inappropriate to use subpixel-rendering unless the subpixel layout is known, and the text is rendered specifically for that subpixel layout, or if the resulting raster is scaled post-rendering, for example if the output native resultion is 3840x2400, but the computer outputs 1920x1200, (and the output is scaled up by a factor of 2 per dimension). The purpose of subpixel-rendering is defeated in such situations. .PP For best result, the application shall take into consideration both the output's vertical pixel density and horizontal pixel density, subpixel order, subpixel layout, output scaling, the output's colour model's transfer function (gamma compression), hinting, and text and background colour. If text is rendered with light on dark colours, but the font is not designed for reverse type, the application may desire to apply more aggressive hinting. The application shall also output the text image in the colour's native colour model: as the primary colours' chromacity may differ from sRGB, it is possible that when outputing colour it is intepreted as sRGB, and converting to the output's colour model, which may change the activation level on the subpixels as compared to how it was rendered. .PP Applications should be aware that the user's may use different monitors and may therefore need to render text differently depending on which output the text is being displayed on. This may even include changing the text's pixel size, which can be very problematic (depending on the context) if the text is split over two output; however the user probably not reading the text if it is split over two outputs, so simply basing the pixel size of one of the monitors or averaging them is probably good enough in that case. .SH SEE ALSO .BR libfonts (7)