#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- python -*-

# libgamma — Display server abstraction layer for gamma ramp adjustments
# Copyright © 2014  Mattias Andrée (maandree@member.fsf.org)
# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import sys
import os

with open(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) + '/../lib/libgamma-method.h', 'rb') as file:
    data = file.read()
data = data.decode('utf-8', 'error')

if sys.argv[1] == '--list':
    if sys.argv[2] == '--method':
        test1 = lambda line : line.startswith('#define LIBGAMMA_METHOD_')
        test2 = lambda line : line.split(' ')[1] not in ('LIBGAMMA_METHOD_MAX', 'LIBGAMMA_METHOD_COUNT')
        test3 = lambda line : not line.endswith('_H')
        defs = [line for line in data.split('\n') if test1(line) and test2(line) and test3(line)]
        print('\n'.join([d.split(' ')[1] for d in defs]))
    elif sys.argv[2] == '--info':
        test1 = lambda line : line.startswith('#define LIBGAMMA_CRTC_INFO_')
        test2 = lambda line : not line.split(' ')[1] == 'LIBGAMMA_CRTC_INFO_COUNT'
        defs = [line for line in data.split('\n') if test1(line) and test2(line)]
        print('\n'.join([d.split(' ')[1] for d in defs]))
    elif sys.argv[2] == '--connector':
        test1 = lambda line : line.strip().startswith('LIBGAMMA_CONNECTOR_TYPE_')
        test2 = lambda line : not line.split(' ')[1] == 'LIBGAMMA_CONNECTOR_TYPE_COUNT'
        defs = [line for line in data.split('\n') if test1(line) and test2(line)]
        print('\n'.join([d.strip().split(' ')[0].rstrip(',') for d in defs]))
    elif sys.argv[2] == '--subpixel':
        test1 = lambda line : line.strip().startswith('LIBGAMMA_SUBPIXEL_ORDER_')
        test2 = lambda line : not line.split(' ')[1] == 'LIBGAMMA_SUBPIXEL_ORDER_COUNT'
        defs = [line for line in data.split('\n') if test1(line) and test2(line)]
        print('\n'.join([d.strip().split(' ')[0].rstrip(',') for d in defs]))
    elif sys.argv[2] == '--info-t':
        data = data[data.find('\ntypedef struct libgamma_crtc_information'):]
        data = data[:data.find('\n}')]
        test1 = lambda line : line.startswith('  ') and line.endswith(';')
        test2 = lambda line : ' * ' not in line
        defs = [line for line in data.split('\n') if test1(line) and test2(line)]
        print('\n'.join([d.strip().split(' ')[-1].rstrip(';') for d in defs]))
    elif sys.argv[2] == '--cap-t':
        data = data[data.find('\ntypedef struct libgamma_method_capabilities'):]
        data = data[:data.find('\n}')]
        test1 = lambda line : line.startswith('  ') and line.endswith(';')
        test2 = lambda line : ' * ' not in line
        defs = [line for line in data.split('\n') if test1(line) and test2(line)]
        print('\n'.join([d.strip().split(' : ')[0].split(' ')[-1].rstrip(';') for d in defs]))
elif sys.argv[1] == '--type':
    if sys.argv[2] == '--info-t':
        data = data[data.find('\ntypedef struct libgamma_crtc_information'):]
        data = data[:data.find('\n}')]
        test1 = lambda line : line.startswith('  ')
        test2 = lambda line : ' * ' not in line
        test3 = lambda line : line.strip().split(' ')[-1] == sys.argv[3] + ';'
        defs = [line for line in data.split('\n') if test1(line) and test2(line) and test3(line)]
        print('\n'.join([' '.join(d.strip().split(' ')[:-1]) for d in defs]))
    elif sys.argv[2] == '--cap-t':
        data = data[data.find('\ntypedef struct libgamma_method_capabilities'):]
        data = data[:data.find('\n}')]
        test1 = lambda line : line.startswith('  ')
        test2 = lambda line : ' * ' not in line
        test3 = lambda line : line.strip().split(' : ')[0].split(' ')[-1].rstrip(';') == sys.argv[3]
        defs = [line for line in data.split('\n') if test1(line) and test2(line) and test3(line)]
        line = defs[0].strip().rstrip(';')
        if ' : ' in line:
            line = line.split(' : ')
            line[0] = ' '.join(line[0].split(' ')[:-1])
            print(' '.join(line.split(' ')[:-1]))
    if sys.argv[1] in ('--method', '--info'):
        i = data.find('\n#define ' + sys.argv[2])
        data = data[:i]
        i = data.rfind('\n */')
        data = data[:i]
        i = data.rfind('/**\n')
        data = data[i + len('/**\n'):]
        data = [line[3:] for line in data.split('\n')]
    elif sys.argv[1] in ('--connector', '--subpixel'):
        while '\n ' in data:
            data = data.replace('\n ', '\n')
        i = data.find('\n' + sys.argv[2])
        data = data[:i]
        i = data.rfind('\n*/')
        data = data[:i]
        i = data.rfind('/**\n')
        data = data[i + len('/**\n'):]
        data = [line[2:] for line in data.split('\n')]
    elif sys.argv[1] == '--info-t':
        data = data[data.find('\ntypedef struct libgamma_crtc_information'):]
        data = data[:data.find('\n}')]
        test1 = lambda line : line.startswith('  ')
        test2 = lambda line : ' * ' not in line
        test3 = lambda line : line.strip().split(' ')[-1] == sys.argv[2] + ';'
        defs = [line for line in data.split('\n') if test1(line) and test2(line) and test3(line)]
        line = defs[0]
        i = data.find('\n' + line)
        data = data[:i]
        while '\n ' in data:
            data = data.replace('\n ', '\n')
        i = data.rfind('\n*/')
        data = data[:i]
        i = data.rfind('/**\n')
        data = data[i + len('/**\n'):]
        data = [line[2:] for line in data.split('\n')]
    elif sys.argv[1] == '--cap-t':
        data = data[data.find('\ntypedef struct libgamma_method_capabilities'):]
        data = data[:data.find('\n}')]
        test1 = lambda line : line.startswith('  ')
        test2 = lambda line : ' * ' not in line
        test3 = lambda line : line.strip().split(' : ')[0].split(' ')[-1].rstrip(';') == sys.argv[2]
        defs = [line for line in data.split('\n') if test1(line) and test2(line) and test3(line)]
        line = defs[0]
        i = data.find('\n' + line)
        data = data[:i]
        while '\n ' in data:
            data = data.replace('\n ', '\n')
        i = data.rfind('\n*/')
        data = data[:i]
        i = data.rfind('/**\n')
        data = data[i + len('/**\n'):]
        data = [line[2:] for line in data.split('\n')]