/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */ #include "common.h" /** * Get a description of an error * * @param error_code The error code, may be an `errno` value, if * `LIBGAMMA_ERRNO_SET`, the current value of `errno` * will be used * @return The description associated with the error code, * `NULL` if the error code is not recognised */ const char * libgamma_strerror(int error_code) { const char *desc; if (error_code == LIBGAMMA_ERRNO_SET) error_code = errno; switch (error_code) { #define X(NAME, DESC)\ case NAME:\ desc = #NAME;\ break; LIST_ERRORS(X) #undef X default: desc = NULL; break; } return desc ? desc : error_code < 0 ? NULL : strerror(error_code); }