.TH LIBERROR_COPY_ERROR 3 2019-04-13 liberror .SH NAME liberror_copy_error \- create a copy of an error .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include struct liberror_error *liberror_copy_error(struct liberror_error *\fIerror\fP); .fi .PP Link with .IR \-lerror . .SH DESCRIPTION The .BR liberror_copy_error () function creates a copy of if the error specified in the .I error parameter. .PP The returned error shall be deallocated with the .BR liberror_free_error (3) function. .SH RETURN VALUE The .BR liberror_copy_error () returns a copy of .I error upon successful completion, or .I NULL on failure, without changing .IR errno . .SH ERRORS This function can only fail of enough memory cannot be allocated, however the function never change .IR errno . .SH EXAMPLES None. .SH APPLICATION USAGE None. .SH RATIONALE None. .SH FUTURE DIRECTIONS None. .SH NOTES None. .SH SEE ALSO .BR liberror (7), .BR liberror.h (0), .BR liberror_end (3), .BR liberror_free_error (3), .BR liberror_get_error (3), .BR liberror_pop_error (3), .BR liberror_print_backtrace (3), .BR liberror_print_error (3), .BR liberror_reset_error (3), .BR liberror_save_backtrace (3), .BR liberror_set_error (3), .BR liberror_set_error_errno (3), .BR liberror_set_error_existing (3), .BR liberror_start (3)