.TH LIBCOOPGAMMA_SET_NONBLOCKING 3 LIBCOOPGAMMA .SH "NAME" libcoopgamma_set_nonblocking - Switch to or from nonblocking communication .SH "SYNOPSIS" .nf #include <libcoopgamma.h> int libcoopgamma_set_nonblocking(libcoopgamma_context_t *restrict \fIctx\fP, int \fInonblocking\fP); .fi .P Link with .IR -lcoopgamma . .SH "DESCRIPTION" The .BR libcoopgamma_set_nonblocking () function sets the communication with the server for the connection of .I ctx to be nonblocking if .I nonblocking is nonzero, and to be block otherwise. .I ctx must already be connected to the server, which is achieved by calling the .BR libcoopgamma_connect (3) functon. .SH "RETURN VALUES" Upon successful completion, the .BR libcoopgamma_set_nonblocking () function returns 0. On error, -1 is returned and .I errno is set appropriately. .SH "ERRORS" The .BR libcoopgamma_connect () function may fail for any reason specified for .BR fcntl (3) with .I F_GETFL or .I F_SETFL as the second argument. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR libcoopgamma_connect (3), .BR libcoopgamma_get_crtcs_send (3), .BR libcoopgamma_get_gamma_info_send (3), .BR libcoopgamma_get_gamma_send (3), .BR libcoopgamma_set_gamma_send (3)