.TH LIBCOOPGAMMA_RAMPS_MARSHAL 3 LIBCOOPGAMMA .SH "NAME" libcoopgamma_ramps_marshal - Marshal a member type of libcoopgamma_ramps_t .SH "SYNOPSIS" .nf #include <libcoopgamma.h> size_t libcoopgamma_ramps_marshal(void *restrict \fIthis\fP, void *restrict \fIbuffer\fP); .fi .P Link with .IR -lcoopgamma . .SH "DESCRIPTION" The .BR libcoopgamma_ramps_marshal () function marshals .I this into a .I buffer that can be sent to another process on any computer with a compatible processor. A compatible processor is any processor with the same endianness, encoding and sizes of the intrinsic data types and .IR size_t . .P .I this must be of any of the following types, and not casted to any other type such as .I void* or .IR libcoopgamma_ramps_t: .IR libcoopgamma_ramps8_t , .IR libcoopgamma_ramps16_t , .IR libcoopgamma_ramps32_t , .IR libcoopgamma_ramps64_t , .IR libcoopgamma_rampsf_t , or .IR libcoopgamma_rampsd_t . .P The .BR libcoopgamma_ramps_marshal () function is defined as a macro. .SH "RETURN VALUES" The .BR libcoopgamma_ramps_marshal () function returns the number of bytes stored in the .IR buffer , or if .I buffer is .IR NULL , the the number of bytes that would have been written if it was not .IR NULL . The function is always successful. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR libcoopgamma_ramps_destroy (3), .BR libcoopgamma_ramps_unmarshal (3), .BR libcoopgamma_ramps_marshal (3), .BR libcoopgamma_crtc_info_marshal (3), .BR libcoopgamma_filter_query_marshal (3), .BR libcoopgamma_queried_filter_marshal (3), .BR libcoopgamma_filter_table_marshal (3), .BR libcoopgamma_error_marshal (3), .BR libcoopgamma_context_marshal (3), .BR libcoopgamma_async_context_marshal (3)