.TH LIBCOOPGAMMA_GET_GAMMA_SEND 3 LIBCOOPGAMMA .SH "NAME" libcoopgamma_get_gamma_send - Send a request to retrieve a CRTC's gamma ramp filters .SH "SYNOPSIS" .nf #include int libcoopgamma_get_gamma_send(const libcoopgamma_filter_query_t *restrict \fIquery\fP, libcoopgamma_context_t *restrict \fIctx\fP, libcoopgamma_async_context_t *restrict \fIasync\fP); .fi .P Link with .IR -lcoopgamma . .SH "DESCRIPTION" The .BR libcoopgamma_get_gamma_send () function sends a request over the connection of .I ctx to the server to retrieve the CRTC's, with the name given in the .I query->crtc parameter, applied filters. Information about the request is stored in .IR *async , this information is used by .BR libcoopgamma_synchronise (3) to identify the response, and by .BR libcoopgamma_get_gamma_recv (3) to parse the response. .P The response will include all filter with a priority between .I query->low_priority and .IR query->high_priority, inclusively. If and only if .I query->coalesce is nonzero, the, from the selected filters, resulting gamma ramps are returned rather than a list of all selected filter. .SH "RETURN VALUES" Upon successful completion, the .BR libcoopgamma_get_gamma_send () function returns 0. On error, -1 is returned and .I errno is set appropriately. .SH "ERRORS" The .BR libcoopgamma_get_gamma_send () function may fail for any reason specified for .BR malloc (3), .BR realloc (3), or .BR libcoopgamma_flush (3). Particularly interesting exceptional conditions, that are not errors proper, include those indicated by the following values on .IR errno : .TP .B EINTR The function was interrupted by a signal. When this happens, call .BR libcoopgamma_flush (3) to resume. .TP .BR EAGAIN " or " EWOULDBLOCK The communication is nonblocking and the buffer between the server and the client is full, and no more data can be queued without blocking. When this happens, wait a short period of time and call .BR libcoopgamma_flush (3) to resume. .BR select (3) or similar function can be used to wait until .I ctx->fd is readable. .TP .B ECONNREST The connection to the server has closed. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR libcoopgamma.h (0), .BR libcoopgamma_filter_query_initialise (3), .BR libcoopgamma_async_context_initialise (3), .BR libcoopgamma_flush (3), .BR libcoopgamma_synchronise (3), .BR libcoopgamma_set_nonblocking (3), .BR libcoopgamma_get_gamma_recv (3), .BR libcoopgamma_get_gamma_sync (3), .BR libcoopgamma_get_crtcs_send (3), .BR libcoopgamma_get_gamma_info_send (3), .BR libcoopgamma_set_gamma_send (3)