.TH LIBCOOPGAMMA_GET_GAMMA_RECV 3 LIBCOOPGAMMA .SH "NAME" libcoopgamma_get_gamma_recv - Receive the gamma filter table for a CRTC .SH "SYNOPSIS" .nf #include int libcoopgamma_get_gamma_recv(libcoopgamma_filter_table_t *restrict \fItable\fP, libcoopgamma_context_t *restrict \fIctx\fP, libcoopgamma_async_context_t *restrict \fIasync\fP); .fi .P Link with .IR -lcoopgamma . .SH "DESCRIPTION" The .BR libcoopgamma_get_gamma_recv () function parses the response for the requests sent using the .BR libcoopgamma_get_gamma_send () function with the same .I ctx and .I async arguments. The .I async must have been selected by the last call to the .BR libcoopgamma_synchronise (3) function. .P The filters will be stored in .IR *table . In particular, the number of filter (1 if coalesced) will be stored to .IR table->filter_count , the filters themselves will be stored in .IR table->filters . Some metainformation sent by the server will also be stored in .IR *table : .TP .I info->red_size The number of stops on the red gamma ramp. .TP .I info->green_size The number of stops on the green gamma ramp. .TP .I info->blue_size The number of stops on the blue gamma ramp. .TP .I info->depth Describes the gamma ramp types used for the CRTC. .P For all .I i from 0 up to but exclusing .IR table->filter_count , Information about the filter applied .IR i :th is stored in .IR table->filters[i] . .I table->filters[i].ramps is the gamma ramps for .I i :th the filter. Unless coalesced, .I table->filters[i].priority and .I table->filters[i].class is also set. .I table->filters[i].priority is the prority of the filter, and .I table->filters[i].class is the class (identifier) of the filter. .SH "RETURN VALUES" Upon successful completion, the .BR libcoopgamma_get_gamma_recv () function returns 0. On error, -1 is returned and .I errno is set appropriately. .SH "ERRORS" The .BR libcoopgamma_get_gamma_recv () function may fail for any reason specified for .BR malloc (3). The function may also fail for the following reasons: .TP .B EBADMSG The received message was corrupt. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR libcoopgamma.h (0), .BR libcoopgamma_filter_table_initialise (3), .BR libcoopgamma_async_context_destroy (3), .BR libcoopgamma_synchronise (3), .BR libcoopgamma_get_gamma_send (3), .BR libcoopgamma_get_gamma_sync (3), .BR libcoopgamma_get_crtcs_recv (3), .BR libcoopgamma_get_gamma_info_recv (3), .BR libcoopgamma_set_gamma_recv (3)