.TH LIBCONTACTS_LOAD_CONTACTS 3 LIBCONTACTS .SH NAME libcontacts_load_contacts \- Load all contacts .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include int libcontacts_load_contacts(struct libcontacts_contact ***\fIcontactsp\fP, const struct passwd *\fIuser\fP, int \fIwith_me\fP); .fi .PP Link with .IR -lcontacts . .SH DESCRIPTION The .BR libcontacts_load_contacts () function loads all regular contact entries and stores them as a .IR NULL -termianted list in .I *contactsp upon successful completion. If .I with_me is non-zero, the .B .me entry will also be included, if it exists. .PP .I user shall be the user's entry in the password database (not the shadow database). This is used for the get user's home directory. .PP When no longer needed, the caller shall manually deallocate all elements in .IR *contactsp , using the .BR libcontacts_contact_destroy (3) and .BR free (3) functions, along with .I *contactsp itself, using the .BR free (3) function. .SH RETURN VALUE The .BR libcontacts_load_contacts () function returns 0 upon successful completion; otherwise -1 is returned and .I errno is set appropriately to indicate the error. .SH ERRORS The .BR libcontacts_load_contacts () function may fail for any reason specified for the .BR libcontacts_list_contacts (3), .BR libcontacts_load_contacts (3) (other than .I ENOENT and .IR EACCES ), and .BR calloc (3) functions. .SH SEE ALSO .BR libcontacts.h (0), .BR libcontacts (7), .BR libcontacts_load_contact (3), .BR libcontacts_save_contact (3), .BR libcontacts_contact_destroy (3), .BR libcontacts_list_contacts (3)