.TH LIBCOLOUR_CONVERT_EN_MASSE 3 libcolour .SH NAME libcolour_convert_en_masse - Colour space and colour model conversion for many colours .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include <libcolour.h> int \fBlibcolour_convert_en_masse_f\fP(const libcolour_colour_f_t *restrict \fIfrom\fP, const libcolour_colour_f_t *restrict \fIto\fP, libcolour_convert_en_masse_mode_t \fImode\fP, size_t \fIn\fP, ...); int \fBlibcolour_convert_en_masse_lf\fP(const libcolour_colour_lf_t *restrict \fIfrom\fP, const libcolour_colour_lf_t *restrict \fIto\fP, libcolour_convert_en_masse_mode_t \fImode\fP, size_t \fIn\fP, ...); int \fBlibcolour_convert_en_masse_llf\fP(const libcolour_colour_llf_t *restrict \fIfrom\fP, const libcolour_colour_llf_t *restrict \fIto\fP, libcolour_convert_en_masse_mode_t \fImode\fP, size_t \fIn\fP, ...); #define \fBlibcolour_convert_en_masse\fP(\fIfrom\fP, \fIto\fP, \fImode\fP, \fIn\fP, ...)\\ (_Generic((\fIfrom\fP),\\ const libcolour_colour_f_t *:\\ \fBlibcolour_convert_en_masse_f\fP(\fIfrom\fP, \fIto\fP, \fImode\fP, \fIn\fP, __VA_ARGS__),\\ const libcolour_colour_lf_t *:\\ \fBlibcolour_convert_en_masse_lf\fP(\fIfrom\fP, \fIto\fP, \fImode\fP, \fIn\fP, __VA_ARGS__),\\ const libcolour_colour_llf_t *:\\ \fBlibcolour_convert_en_masse_llf\fP(\fIfrom\fP, \fIto\fP, \fImode\fP, \fIn\fP, __VA_ARGS__))) /* list is incomplete */ .fi .SH DESCRIPTION .B libcolour_convert_en_masse and its non-generic functions converts .I n colours from the colour space and transfer function specified in .I from to the colour space and transfer function specified in .IR to . .I mode specifies the behaviour of the functions. It shall be the .B OR the any, or none, of the following values: .TP .B LIBCOLOUR_CONVERT_EN_MASSE_ON_CPU Perform convertion on CPU rather than on GPU. .TP .B LIBCOLOUR_CONVERT_EN_MASSE_NO_OVERRIDE Output parameters are listed after input parameters, rather than using the input parametrs as the output parameters. These will have the same type as the input parameters. .P and one of the following values: .TP .B LIBCOLOUR_CONVERT_EN_MASSE_NO_ALPHA The parameter after .I n is .BR float\ * , .BR double\ * , or .BR long\ double\ * , depending of the which function is called. The argument shall be the values of the colour, without any alpha channel, repeated .I n times (once per colour). For example, if .BI ( from->model ==LIBCOLOUR_RGB) and if .BI ( n ==2) the values in the pointer shall be .BI { colour[0].red , .IB colour[0].green , .IB colour[0].blue , .IB colour[1].red , .IB colour[1].green , .IB colour[1].blue } for an imaginary .BR libcolour_rgb_f_t \ \fIcolour[2]\fP, .BR libcolour_rgb_lf_t \ \fIcolour[2]\fP, or .BR libcolour_rgb_llf_t \ \fIcolour[2]\fP, depending on which function is called. .TP .B LIBCOLOUR_CONVERT_EN_MASSE_ALPHA_FIRST Same as .BR LIBCOLOUR_CONVERT_EN_MASSE_NO_ALPHA , except before each red channel value (in the case of RGB that is, the first channel value in general) there is an alpha channel value that will not be modified. .TP .B LIBCOLOUR_CONVERT_EN_MASSE_ALPHA_LAST Same as .BR LIBCOLOUR_CONVERT_EN_MASSE_NO_ALPHA , except after each blue channel value (in the case of RGB that is, the last cannel value in general) there is an alpha channel value that will not be modified. .TP .B LIBCOLOUR_CONVERT_EN_MASSE_SEPARATED After the parameter .I n there is one parameter per channel, these parameters are of the type .BR float\ * , .BR double\ * , or .BR long\ double\ * , depending of the which function is called. Each parameter shall be a pointer with .I n elements, one per colour to convert. .SH RETURN VALUES Upon successful completion, the functions returns 0. Otherwise the function return -1 with .I errno set to indicate the error. .SH ERRORS .TP .B EINVAL .I from->model or .I to->model does not refer to a recognised colour model. .SH NOTES .B libcolour_convert_en_masse cannot convert between .BR float , .BR double , and .BR long\ double , .I from and .I to most use the same floating-point type. .P GPU acceleration is currently not implemented. .SH SEE ALSO .BR libcolour (7), .BR libcolour_convert (3) .SH AUTHORS Mattias Andrée .RI < maandree@kth.se >