NAME libcolour - A C colour space library DESCRIPTION libcolour is C library for colour space conversions. libcolour provides conversion between a large number of colour spaces, including many different RGB colour spaces. It also supports encode and non-encoded representations. libcolour futhermore provides access to custom RGB colour spaces. To use libcolour, include the header file and link with /usr/local/lib/libcolour.a -lm or -lcolour. COLOUR MODELS libcolour supports a number of colour models. A colour model is specified with a value of typedef enum libcolour_model libcolour_model_t; The colour models can listed using the macros LIBCOLOUR_LIST_MODELS(IMACRO, TYPE_AFFIX) or LIBCOLOUR_LIST_MODELS_N(MACRO, TYPE_AFFIX, ...) where MACRO is the macro that shall be expanded, and TYPE_AFFIX shall be f, lf, or llf for float-typed, double-typed, and long double-typed colour module stuctures, respectively. LIBCOLOUR_LIST_MODELS expands MACRO with three parameters: enum libcolour_model value of the colour model, typedef-name of struct used to store colours of the colour model, and the name of the member in union libcolour_colour_f, union libcolour_colour_lf, and union libcolour_colour_llf that is used to store a colour with the colour model. LIBCOLOUR_LIST_MODELS_N is identical to LIBCOLOUR_LIST_MODELS except allows the programmer to specify additional parameters to pass MACRO when it is expanded. There there are three structs defined for each colour model, the first member in each struct is enum libcolour_model model; The three structs for each colour model are for different data types: float, double, and long double. For example, for sRGB, the follow structs are defined: typedef struct libcolour_srgb_f libcolour_srgb_f_t; typedef struct libcolour_srgb_lf libcolour_srgb_lf_t; typedef struct libcolour_srgb_llf libcolour_srgb_llf_t; for float, double, and long double, respectively. Similarly, typedef union libcolour_colour_f libcolour_colour_f_t; typedef union libcolour_colour_lf libcolour_colour_lf_t; typedef union libcolour_colour_llf libcolour_colour_llf_t; are used for float, double, long double, respectively, and all have the member enum libcolour_model model; The structs are not padded to be of the same size. defines structs the following for colour models: Generic RGB See LIBCOLOUR_RGB(7). Standard RGB See LIBCOLOUR_SRGB(7). CIE xyY See LIBCOLOUR_CIEXYY(7). CIE 1931 XYZ See LIBCOLOUR_CIEXYZ(7). CIE L*a*b* See LIBCOLOUR_CIELAB(7). CIE 1976 (L*, u*, v*) See LIBCOLOUR_CIELUV(7). CIE LChuv (also known as CIE HLCuv) See LIBCOLOUR_CIELCHUV(7). YIQ See LIBCOLOUR_YIQ(7). YDbDr See LIBCOLOUR_YDBDR(7). YUV See LIBCOLOUR_YUV(7). YPBPR See LIBCOLOUR_YPBPR(7). YCgCo See LIBCOLOUR_YCGCO(7). CIE 1960 UCS See LIBCOLOUR_CIE1960UCS(7). CIE 1964 (U*, V*, W*) See LIBCOLOUR_CIEUVW(7). ILLUMINANTS libcolour provides a number of initialiser macros for standard illuminants. The following macros expand to a libcolour_ciexyy_f_t with the standard 2 degrees observer value in CIE xyY, each have a supplementary 10 degrees observer counterpart using suffix _10DEG_OBS, both with the Y value set to 1. Additionally, each macro, including the _10DEG_OBS variants, have a variant that uses the _LF affix that expands to a libcolour_ciexyy_lf_t and a variant that uses the _LLF affix that expands to a libcolour_ciexyy_llf_t in addition to the listed variants that uses the _F affix. LIBCOLOUR_ILLUMINANT_A_F CIE Standard Illuminant A. Incandescent/Tungsten. 2855.54K (2848K in old definition of 1K). LIBCOLOUR_ILLUMINANT_B_F CIE Standard Illuminant B. Direct sunlight at noon (obsolete). 4874K. LIBCOLOUR_ILLUMINANT_C_F CIE Standard Illuminant C. Average/north sky daylight (obsolete). 6774K. LIBCOLOUR_ILLUMINANT_D50_F CIE Standard Illuminant D50. Horizon Light. 5002.78K (5000K in old definition of 1K). LIBCOLOUR_ILLUMINANT_D55_F CIE Standard Illuminant D55. Mid-morning/mid-afternoon daylight. 5503.06K (5500K in old definition of 1K). LIBCOLOUR_ILLUMINANT_D65_F CIE Standard Illuminant D65. Noon daylight. 6503.62K (6500K in old definition of 1K). LIBCOLOUR_ILLUMINANT_D75_F CIE Standard Illuminant D75. North sky daylight. 7504.17K (7500K in old definition of 1K). LIBCOLOUR_ILLUMINANT_E_F CIE Standard Illuminant E. Equal energy. 5454K. LIBCOLOUR_ILLUMINANT_F1_F CIE Standard Illuminant F1. Daylight fluorescent. 6430K. LIBCOLOUR_ILLUMINANT_F2_F CIE Standard Illuminant F2. Cool white fluorescent. 4230K. LIBCOLOUR_ILLUMINANT_F3_F CIE Standard Illuminant F3. White fluorescent. 3450K. LIBCOLOUR_ILLUMINANT_F4_F CIE Standard Illuminant F4. Warm white fluorescent. 2940K. LIBCOLOUR_ILLUMINANT_F5_F CIE Standard Illuminant F5. Daylight fluorescent. 6350K. LIBCOLOUR_ILLUMINANT_F6_F CIE Standard Illuminant F6. Lite white fluorescent. 4150K. LIBCOLOUR_ILLUMINANT_F7_F CIE Standard Illuminant F7. D65 simulator, daylight simulator. 6500K. LIBCOLOUR_ILLUMINANT_F8_F CIE Standard Illuminant F8. D50 simulator, Sylvania F40 Design 50. 5000K. LIBCOLOUR_ILLUMINANT_F9_F CIE Standard Illuminant F9. Cool white deluxe fluorescent. 4150K. LIBCOLOUR_ILLUMINANT_F10_F CIE Standard Illuminant F10. Philips TL85, Ultralume 50. 5000K. LIBCOLOUR_ILLUMINANT_F11_F CIE Standard Illuminant F11. Philips TL84, Ultralume 40. 4000K. LIBCOLOUR_ILLUMINANT_F12_F CIE Standard Illuminant F12. Philips TL83, Ultralume 30. 3000K. FUNCTIONS libcolour_convert(3) Colour space and colour model conversion. libcolour_srgb_encode(3) Apply the sRGB transfer function. libcolour_srgb_decode(3) Unapply the sRGB transfer function. libcolour_delta_e(3) Calculate delta E*_ab distance. libcolour_proper(3) Sets any member or submember that may be incorrectly set. libcolour_get_rgb_colour_space(3) Selects RGB colour space. libcolour_marshal(3) Marshal a colour record. libcolour_unmarshal(3) Unmarshal a colour record. NOTES All enum values have a macro with the same name defined which can be used to test the existance of value. AUTHORS Mattias Andrée