.TH LIBCOLOUR_RGB 7 libcolour .SH NAME LIBCOLOUR_RGB - Generic RGB .SH DESCRIPTION Generic RGB colours are presented with either of .nf \fBtypedef struct libcolour_rgb_f libcolour_rgb_f_t;\fP \fBtypedef struct libcolour_rgb_lf libcolour_rgb_lf_t;\fP \fBtypedef struct libcolour_rgb_llf libcolour_rgb_llf_t;\fP .fi These .BR struct s use .BR float , .BR double , and .BR long\ double , respecitively, for the values stored in them, and are otherwise identical. .B struct libcolour_rgb_f is defined as .nf \fBstruct libcolour_rgb_f {\fP \fBenum libcolour_model\fP \fImodel\fP\fB;\fP \fBfloat\fP \fIR\fP\fB;\fP \fBfloat\fP \fIG\fP\fB;\fP \fBfloat\fP \fIB\fP\fB;\fP \fBint\fP \fIwith_transfer\fP\fB;\fP \fBenum libcolour_encoding_type\fP \fIencoding_type\fP\fB;\fP \fBunion {\fP \fBstruct {\fP \fBfloat\fP \fIgamma\fP\fB;\fP \fB}\fP \fIsimple\fB;\fP \fBstruct {\fP \fBfloat\fP \fIgamma\fP\fB;\fP \fBfloat\fP \fIoffset\fP\fB;\fP \fBfloat\fP \fIslope\fP\fB;\fP \fBfloat\fP \fItransition\fP\fB;\fP \fBfloat\fP \fItransitioninv\fP\fB;\fP \fB}\fP \fIregular\fB;\fP \fBstruct {\fP \fBfloat (*\fP\fIto_encoded_red\fP\fB)(float);\fP \fBfloat (*\fP\fIto_decoded_red\fP\fB)(float);\fP \fBfloat (*\fP\fIto_encoded_green\fP\fB)(float);\fP \fBfloat (*\fP\fIto_decoded_green\fP\fB)(float);\fP \fBfloat (*\fP\fIto_encoded_blue\fP\fB)(float);\fP \fBfloat (*\fP\fIto_decoded_blue\fP\fB)(float);\fP \fB}\fP \fIcustom\fB;\fP \fB}\fP \fItransfer\fB;\fP \fBstruct libcolour_ciexyy\fP \fIred\fP\fB;\fP \fBstruct libcolour_ciexyy\fP \fIgreen\fP\fB;\fP \fBstruct libcolour_ciexyy\fP \fIblue\fP\fB;\fP \fBstruct libcolour_ciexyy\fP \fIwhite\fP\fB;\fP \fBfloat\fP \fIwhite_r\fP\fB;\fP \fBfloat\fP \fIwhite_g\fP\fB;\fP \fBfloat\fP \fIwhite_b\fP\fB;\fP \fBfloat\fP \fIM\fP\fB[3][3];\fP \fBfloat\fP \fIMinv\fP\fB[3][3];\fP \fBenum libcolour_rgb_colour_space\fP \fIcolour_space\fP\fB;\fP \fB};\fP .fi .I .model shall be set to .BR LIBCOLOUR_RGB . In .BR union\ libcolour_colour_f , .BR union\ libcolour_colour_lf , and .BR union\ libcolour_colour_llf , .I .rgb is used for generic RGB colours. .P .IR .R , .IR .G , and .I .B hold the red, green, and blue values, respectively, and shall have a value between 0 and 1, inclusively, for the colour to be in gamut. .I .with_transfer shall be set to a non-zero value if the specified transfer function (\(dqgamma function\(dq) is applied, and zero otherwise, meaning colours are linearly encoded. .P .I .encoding_type shall be set to one of the following values: .TP .B LIBCOLOUR_ENCODING_TYPE_LINEAR The colour space does not have a transfer function. .TP .B LIBCOLOUR_ENCODING_TYPE_SIMPLE The colour space uses a simple gamma transfer function that only uses the .I .transfer.simple.gamma parameter. .TP .B LIBCOLOUR_ENCODING_TYPE_REGULAR The colour space uses a linear-gamma hybrid transfer function that uses the .IR .transfer.simple.gamma , .IR .transfer.simple.offset , .IR .transfer.simple.slope , and .I .transfer.simple.transition parameters as well as .IR .transfer.simple.transitioninv , the inverse value of the .I .transfer.simple.transition parameter of the transfer function, that is, where the transition takes place in the encoded, rather than linear, values. This value is set automatically. .TP .B LIBCOLOUR_ENCODING_TYPE_CUSTOM The colour space uses a custom transfer function. When this value is used, .IR .transfer.custom.to_encoded_red , .IR .transfer.custom.to_encoded_green , and .IR .transfer.custom.to_encoded_blue shall be set to the function used to apply the red, green, and blue channels' transfer functions to a value, respectively, and .IR .transfer.custom.to_decoded_red , .IR .transfer.custom.to_decoded_green , and .IR .transfer.custom.to_decoded_blue shall be set to the inverse of those functions. .P The colour space is defined by .I .red (the red primary), .I .green (the green primary), .I .blue (the blue primary), .I .white (the white point), and the RGB value of for the white point, which is specified by .I .white_r (the red value for the white point), .I .white_g (the green value for the white point), and .IR .white_b (the blue value for the white point). .IR .white.Y , .IR .white_r , .IR .white_g , and .IR .white_b should usually be 1. .I .M is derived from these values, it is the matrix that is to convert a colour from the specified RGB colour space to CIE 1931 YXZ. .I .Minv is derived from .I .M is used to convert in the opposite direction. .IR .colour_space , which is set automatically, is the colour space. .P .BR libcolour_get_rgb_colour_space (3) is used to set the transfer function and colour space parameters. .P The RGB colour model is an additive colour model, that is, without a transfer function applied, linearily isomorphic to CIE 1931 XYZ. .P The call .BI libcolour_proper(& c ) on a .B struct libcolour_rgb_t .I c (done automatically for predefined colour spaces) sets .IR c.red.model , .IR c.green.model , and .I c.blue.model to .BR LIBCOLOUR_CIEXYY , and calculate and sets the Y values for .IR c.red , .IR c.green , and .IR c.blue . Zero is always normally returned, but of there is something wrong with with the values of the primaries, −1 is returned and .I errno is set to .BR EDOM . .SH SEE ALSO .BR libcolour (7) .SH AUTHORS Mattias Andrée .RI < maandree@kth.se >