.TH libaxl_attach 3 libaxl .SH NAME libaxl_attach - Change file descriptor of a connection .B (ADVANCED) .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include void libaxl_attach(LIBAXL_CONNECTION *\fIconn\fP, int \fIfd\fP); .fi .SH DESCRIPTION The .BR libaxl_attach () function changes the file descript in the connection record specified in the .I conn parameter, which the function will assume is .RI non- NULL , to the file descriptor specified in the .I fd parameter. .SH RETURN VALUE None. .SH ERRORS The .BR libaxl_attach () function cannot fail. .SH NOTES None. .SH SEE ALSO .BR libaxl_unmarshal (3), .BR libaxl_create (3), .BR libaxl_fileno (3), .BR libaxl_detach (3)