.TH LIBAXL_REQUEST_LIST_FONTS 3 libaxl .SH NAME LIBAXL_REQUEST_LIST_FONTS - List fonts .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include #define LIBAXL_REQUEST_LIST_FONTS 49 struct libaxl_request_open_font { uint8_t \fIopcode\fP; uint8_t \fI__pad\fP; uint16_t \fI_request_length\fP; uint16_t \fImax_names\fP; uint16_t \fIlength_of_pattern\fP; const char *\fIpattern\fP; }; .fi .SH DESCRIPTION The display server shall list all fonts except no more than the number specified in the .I max_names field, matching the font name pattern specified in the .I pattern field, which shall be encoded in ISO Latin-1 and is case insensitive, whose length is specified in the .I length_of_name field. .B ?\, and .B * in the font name pattern are recognised as wildcards, see .BR LIBAXL_REQUEST_OPEN_FONT (3) for more information. .PP The value of the .I opcode field shall be .I LIBAXL_REQUEST_LIST_FONTS to signify that the request is of the request described in this document. .PP Other fields are filled in automatically by the .BR libaxl_send_request (3) function. .PP If the .B ?\, character is used in the font name pattern, it will matching any single character, the .B * character will match any number of characters. A structured format for font names is specified in the X.Org standard X Logical Font Description Conventions. .SH ERRORS None. .SH REPLIES .nf struct libaxl_str8 { uint8_t \fIlength\fP; char *\fIname\fP; }; struct libaxl_reply_list_fonts { uint8_t \fI__one\fP; uint8_t \fI__pad\fP; uint16_t \fIsequence_number\fP; uint32_t \fI_reply_length\fP; uint16_t \fInumber_of_names\fP; uint8_t \fI__unused\fP[22]; struct libaxl_str8 *\fInames\fP; }; .fi .PP The display server shall, unless it returns an error, return one .B "struct libaxl_reply_intern_atom" with the .I names field set to the list of matching font names and the .I number_of_names field set to the number of font names in this list. For each element in the .I names field, the .I name subfield is set to the lower case name of the font and the .I length subfield is set to the length of the name. .SH SEE ALSO .BR libaxl_send_request (3), .BR LIBAXL_REQUEST_LIST_FONTS_WITH_INFO (3), .BR LIBAXL_REQUEST_OPEN_FONT (3), .BR LIBAXL_REQUEST_QUERY_FONT (3), .BR LIBAXL_REQUEST_QUERY_TEXT_EXTENTS (3), .BR LIBAXL_REQUEST_SET_FONT_PATH (3), .BR LIBAXL_REQUEST_GET_FONT_PATH (3)