.TH LIBAXL_ERROR_IMPLEMENTATION 3 libaxl .SH NAME LIBAXL_ERROR_IMPLEMENTATION - Feature not implemented .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include #define LIBAXL_ERROR_IMPLEMENTATION 17 struct libaxl_error_implementation { uint8_t \fI__zero\fP; uint8_t \fIcode\fP; uint16_t \fIsequence_number\fP; uint32_t \fI__unused1\fP; uint16_t \fIminor_opcode\fP; uint8_t \fImajor_opcode\fP; uint8_t \fI__unused\fP[21]; }; .fi .SH DESCRIPTION The display server does not implement some aspect of the request. .PP A proper implementation should not generate this error for any request defined in the core protocol. .PP The value of the .I __zero field is 0 .RI ( LIBAXL_ERROR ), which signifies that the received message is an error message. The value of the .I code field is .I LIBAXL_ERROR_IMPLEMENTATION to signify that the error is of the error type described in this document. .PP The value of the .I sequence_number field is the sequence number returned by the .BR libaxl_send_request (3) function for the failed request. .PP The value of the .I major_opcode and .I minor_opcode fields are the major and minor (if any) operation codes in the failed request. .PP Other fields are unused and may have any value. .SH SEE ALSO .BR LIBAXL_ERROR (3)