.TH LIBAXL_ERROR_ALLOC 3 libaxl .SH NAME LIBAXL_ERROR_ALLOC - Resource allocation failure .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include #define LIBAXL_ERROR_ALLOC 11 struct libaxl_error_alloc { uint8_t \fI__zero\fP; uint8_t \fIcode\fP; uint16_t \fIsequence_number\fP; uint32_t \fI__unused1\fP; uint16_t \fIminor_opcode\fP; uint8_t \fImajor_opcode\fP; uint8_t \fI__unused\fP[21]; }; .fi .SH DESCRIPTION The display server failed to allocate enough memory to fulfil the request. .PP This error can be generated for all requests. It is however unspecified how the server shall behave when it runs out of memory. .PP The value of the .I __zero field is 0 .RI ( LIBAXL_ERROR ), which signifies that the received message is an error message. The value of the .I code field is .I LIBAXL_ERROR_ALLOC to signify that the error is of the error type described in this document. .PP The value of the .I sequence_number field is the sequence number returned by the .BR libaxl_send_request (3) function for the failed request. .PP The value of the .I major_opcode and .I minor_opcode fields are the major and minor (if any) operation codes in the failed request. .PP Other fields are unused and may have any value. .SH SEE ALSO .BR LIBAXL_ERROR (3)