.TH LIBAXL_REQUEST_TRANSLATE_COORDINATES 3 libaxl .SH NAME LIBAXL_REQUEST_TRANSLATE_COORDINATES - Get coordinates relative to another window and hit child .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include #define LIBAXL_REQUEST_TRANSLATE_COORDINATES 17 struct libaxl_request_translate_coordinates { uint8_t \fIopcode\fP; uint8_t \fI__pad\fP; uint16_t \fI_request_length\fP; libaxl_window_t \fIsrc_window\fP; libaxl_window_t \fIdest_window\fP; int16_t \fIsrc_x\fP; int16_t \fIsrc_y\fP; }; .fi .SH DESCRIPTION The display server shall return the coordinates .RI ( src_x ", " src_y ), which are given as relative to top left corner of the window whose ID is specified in the .I src_window field, as relative to the top left corner of the window whose ID is specified in the .I dest_window field. That is, if the top left corner of the window .I src_window is .RI ( x1 ", " y1 ) and the the top left corner of the window .I src_window is .RI ( x2 ", " y2 ), then then returned coordinate is .RI ( dest_x ", " dest_y ), where .I dest_x is .I src_x-x1+x2 and .I dest_y is .IR src_y-y1+y2 . .PP The display server shall also return an immediate, mapped child window, of the window whose ID is specified in the .I dest_window field, in which the coordinate is contained, if there is any. \" TODO Is there a rule for which child? .PP The value of the .I opcode field shall be .I LIBAXL_REQUEST_TRANSLATE_COORDINATES to signify that the request is of the request described in this document. .PP Other fields are filled in automatically by the .BR libaxl_send_request (3) function. .SH ERRORS .TP .BR LIBAXL_ERROR_WINDOW (3) One of the specified window IDs does not exist. .SH REPLIES .nf struct libaxl_reply_translate_coordinates { uint8_t \fI__one\fP; libaxl_bool_t \fIsame_screen\fP; uint16_t \fIsequence_number\fP; uint32_t \fI_reply_length\fP; libaxl_window_t \fIchild\fP; int16_t \fIdest_x\fP; int16_t \fIdest_y\fP; uint8_t \fI__unused\fP[16]; }; .fi .PP The display server shall, unless it returns an error, return one .B "struct libaxl_reply_translate_coordinates" with the .I same_screen field set 1 if both windows in the request belong to the same screen, and if so also the .I dest_x and .I dest_y fields set to the resulting coordinates as described in the .B DESCRIPTION section and the .I child field set to an immediate, mapped child of the window whose ID is specified in the .I dest_window field in the request, in which the coordinate is contained, if there is any, or to .I LIBAXL_NONE otherwise; but if the windows are not in the same screen, the .IR same_screen , .IR dest_x , and .I dest y fields are set to 0, and the .I child field is set to .IR LIBAXL_NONE . \" TODO The value of the child field here is an assumption .SH SEE ALSO .BR libaxl_send_request (3), .BR libaxl_receive (3), .BR LIBAXL_REQUEST_INTERN_ATOM (3)