.TH LIBAR2SIMPLIFIED_RECOMMENDATION 3 LIBAR2SIMPLIFIED .SH NAME libar2simplified_recommendation - Get recommended hashing parameters .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include const char *libar2simplified_recommendation(int \fIside_channel_free\fP); .fi .PP Link with .IR "-lar2simplified" . .SH DESCRIPTION The .BR libar2simplified_recommendation () function returns a hashing parameter string that can be used as input to the .BR libar2simplified_crypt (3) and .BR libar2simplified_decode (3) functions. .PP .I side_channel_free shall be 1 if you know that the environment is safe enought against side-channel attacks, otherwise it shall be 0. .PP The output parameters are just so you have something to start with, they shall not be taken too seriously, and should be tween to your requirements. .SH RETURN VALUES The .BR libar2simplified_recommendation () function returns a statically allocated, read-only, hashing parameter string. .SH ERRORS The .BR libar2simplified_recommendation () function cannot fail. .SH SEE ALSO .BR libar2simplified (7), .BR libar2simplified_crypt (3), .BR libar2simplified_decode (3), .BR libar2_hash (3)