.TH LIBAR2SIMPLIFIED_INIT_CONTEXT 3 LIBAR2SIMPLIFIED .SH NAME libar2simplified_init_context - Create context for libar2_hash .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include void libar2simplified_init_context(struct libar2_context *ctxp); .fi .PP Link with .IR "-lar2simplified -pthread" . .SH DESCRIPTION The .BR libar2simplified_init_context () function initialises the context argument for the .BR libar2_hash (3) function, provided via the .I ctxp parameter, with all auto-erase options turned off. .PP This function provides a dynamic memory management functions that erase memory before it is deallocated. It also also provides a multi-threading support using a thread pool. .PP This function is used internally by the .BR libar2simplified (7) library, but cannot be used with any function provided by the library, it can however be used together with the .BR libar2 (7) library, specifically it is designed for the .BR libar2_hash (3) function, but can also be used with the .BR libar2_decode_params (3) function. .SH RETURN VALUES None. .SH ERRORS The .BR libar2simplified_init_context () function cannot fail. .SH SEE ALSO .BR libar2simplified (7), .BR libar2_hash (3)