.TH LIBAR2SIMPLIFIED_ENCODE_HASH 3 LIBAR2SIMPLIFIED .SH NAME libar2simplified_encode_hash - Encode hashing result without parameters .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include char *libar2simplified_encode_hash(const struct libar2_argon2_parameters *\fIparams\fP, void *\fIhash\fP); .fi .PP Link with .IR "-lar2simplified -lar2" . .SH DESCRIPTION The .BR libar2simplified_encode_hash () function encodes the contents of the .I hash parameter in base64, which is the encoding used for Argon2. The length of the contents must be set in .IR params->hashlen . The .I params parameter is otherwise unused. .PP Neither argument may be .IR NULL . .SH RETURN VALUES The .BR libar2simplified_encode_hash () function returns a dynamically allocated string containing the contents of the .I hash parameter encoded in base64, which may be deallocated using the .BR free (3) function, upon successful completion. On error, .I NULL is returned and .I errno is set to describe the error. .SH ERRORS The .BR libar2simplified_encode_hash () function will fail if: .TP .B ENOMEM Insufficient storage space is available. .SH SEE ALSO .BR libar2simplified (7), .BR libar2simplified_encode (3), .BR libar2simplified_decode (3), .BR libar2simplified_hash (3), .BR libar2_encode_base64 (3)