.TH LIBAR2_INIT 3 LIBAR2 .SH NAME libar2_init - Initialise libar2 .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include void libar2_init(void); .fi .PP Link with .IR -lar2 . .SH DESCRIPTION The .BR libar2_init () function initialises the library, specifically it selects which versions of different functions the library shall use, based on the capabilities of the machine that runs the function. .PP The .BR libar2_init () function is called automatically by the .BR libar2_hash (3) function, but it is desirable, but not necessary, for multi-threaded applications to call it manually, also depending on the capabilities of the compiler and linker that was used to create the library, the .BR libar2_init () function may be called automatically at load-time. .SH RETURN VALUES None. .SH ERRORS The .BR libar2_init () function cannot fail. .SH SEE ALSO .BR libar2 (7), .BR libar2_hash (3)