.TH KEY2ROOT 8 key2root-rmkey .SH NAME key2root-rmkey - remove keyfiles for privilege escalation with key2root .SH SYNOPSIS .B key2root-rmkey .I user .IR key-name \ ... .SH DESCRIPTION The .B key2root-rmkey utility removes a keyfile from the database of keyfiles that may be used to authenticate the specified .I user for privilege escalation with the .BR key2root (8) utility. .SH OPTIONS The .B key2root-rmkey utility conforms to the Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1-2017, .IR "Section 12.2" , .IR "Utility Syntax Guidelines" . .PP No options are supported. .SH OPERANDS The following operands are supported: .TP .I user The user the keyfile shall be removed for. This can either be a user ID or a user name. See .BR NOTES . .TP .I key-name The name the keyfile to remove. .SH STDIN The .B key2root-rmkey utility does not use the standard input. .SH INPUT FILES None. .SH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES No following environment variable affects the execution of .BR key2root-rmkey . .SH ASYNCHRONOUS EVENTS Default. .SH STDOUT The .B key2root-rmkey utility does not use the standard output. .SH STDERR The standard error is used for diagnostic messages. .SH OUTPUT FILES None. .SH EXTENDED DESCRIPTION None. .SH EXIT STATUS If the .B key2root-rmkey utility fails it will exit with one of the following statuses: .TP 0 Successful completion. .TP 1 A error occurred. .SH CONSEQUENCES OF ERRORS Default. .SH APPLICATION USAGE None. .SH EXAMPLES None. .SH RATIONALE None. .SH NOTES Keyfiles added by user ID and by user names are stored separatedly. If a keyfile was added with a user name specified, it is only associated with the user name, and the user name must be specified when removing it. Likewise if a keyfile was added with a user ID specified, it is only associated with the user ID, and the user ID must be specified when removing it. .PP To completely remove a user, remove .BI /etc/key2root/ user-id and .BR /etc/key2root/ \fIuser-name\fP. .SH BUGS None. .SH FUTURE DIRECTIONS None. .SH SEE ALSO .BR key2root (8), .BR key2root-addkey (8), .BR key2root-lskeys (8) .SH AUTHORS Mattias Andrée .RI < maandree@kth.se >