path: root/README
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Diffstat (limited to 'README')
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
index 61fbd1d..9f48b34 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,4 +1,101 @@
-General Perprocessor
+ gpp - Bash-based preprocessor for anything
-Bash-based preprocessor for anything.
+ gpp: General Preprocessor
+ gpp [OPTION]...
+ gpp lets a developer embed directives written in GNU
+ Bash into any text document. These directives are used
+ to automate the writting of parts of the document.
+ The preprocessing directives start with a symbol
+ (or text string) specified by the developer. By default
+ this symbol is @ (at).
+ Any line starting with @< (where @ is the selected
+ symbol for preprocessing directives) or @>, or is
+ between a line starting with @< and a line starting
+ with @>, is parsed as a line, written in Bash, that
+ is executed during preprocessing.
+ A @< line must have an associated @> line somewhere
+ after it, all lines between them are parsed as
+ preprocessing directives. A @> does however not need
+ an associated @< line somewhere before it, making
+ @> suitable for single line directives.
+ Preprocessing directives can also be inline. For this,
+ use @(COMMAND) where COMMAND is the Bash code to run.
+ Additionally, gpp supports variable substitution.
+ @{VARIABLE} will be replaces by the value if the
+ variable (possibility environment variable) VARIABLE.
+ gpp supports all modifiers thats Bash supports. For
+ example, if you want the value to be included but
+ uppercase you can write @{VARIABLE^^}, or @{VARIABLE,,}
+ for lowercase.
+ Everything that is not preprocessing directives is
+ threaded as echo(1):ed lines.
+ -s, --symbol SYMBOL
+ Set the prefix symbol for preprocessor directives.
+ Defaults to @.
+ -e, --encoding ENCODING
+ Specifies the encoding of the file.
+ -n, --iterations N
+ The the processing N times. Defaults to 1 time.
+ -u, --unshebang
+ Clear the shebang line, remove it if this flag
+ is used twice. If used twice, an empty line
+ will be inserted after the new first line.
+ -i, --input FILE
+ Select file to process. Defaults to /dev/stdin.
+ -o, --output FILE
+ Select output file. Defaults to /dev/stdout.
+ -f, --file FILE
+ Equivalent to -i FILE -o FILE.
+ -D, --export NAME=VALUE
+ Set the environment variable NAME to hold
+ the value VALUE.
+ -D, --export NAME
+ Set the environment variable NAME to hold
+ the value 1.
+ -v, --verion
+ Print program name and version and exit.
+ -c, --copying
+ Print copyright notice and exit.
+ Short options must joined. The value of a flag must be
+ in a separate argument from the flag itself.
+ Programmers need more automation when we write software
+ and documentation. An unrestricted preprocessor lets
+ you automate just about anything. Of course, it can be
+ used for anything, must just writing software and
+ documentation. Preprocessing can be used for more than
+ automation, it can also be used to increase the flexibility
+ of the work.
+ C is one of the few languages that includes a preprocessor,
+ some times it is not enough; and all languages need
+ preprocessors.
+ bash(1), jpp(1), cpp(1)
+ Full documentation available locally via: info '(gpp)'