/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */ /** * Random string created with `dd if=/dev/random bs=1024 count=1 | tr -d -c a-zA-Z0-9` */ #define KEY_PEPPER "5EbppWrYxMuBKQmbDz8rOCVCONsSLas74qrjMLTiJqsYWcTePNeshVXcmAWGkh88VeFh" /** * The rate parameter for the Keccak sponge when hashing master passphrase */ #ifndef PASSPHRASE_KECCAK_RATE # define PASSPHRASE_KECCAK_RATE 576 #endif /** * The capacity parameter for the Keccak sponge when hashing master passphrase */ #ifndef PASSPHRASE_KECCAK_CAPACITY # define PASSPHRASE_KECCAK_CAPACITY 1024 #endif /** * The output parameter for the Keccak sponge when hashing master passphrase */ #ifndef PASSPHRASE_KECCAK_OUTPUT # define PASSPHRASE_KECCAK_OUTPUT 32 #endif /** * The number of times to squeeze the master passphrase */ #ifndef PASSPHRASE_KECCAK_SQUEEZES # define PASSPHRASE_KECCAK_SQUEEZES 10000 #endif